Richard Burr Seen Favorably By A Third of NC Voters
A third of North Carolina voters have a favorable view of U.S. Sen. Richard Burr, while more than half had no opinion, according to a poll conducted for the Civitas Institute.
The survey asked 600 likely general election voters for an opinion on Burr and 30 percent said they viewed him favorably, 18 percent viewed him unfavorably and 53 percent had no opinion.
The approval is down slightly from Civitas' January poll, which found 33 percent of likely voters approved of Burr, a Republican from Winston-Salem. In January 20 percent saw him unfavorably and 47 percent did not give an opinion. You can track Burr's polling numbers at our Polling Central feature.
The poll was conducted Feb. 15-18 by Tel Opinion Research of Alexandria, Va. It had a margin of error of 4 percentage points.
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Sources: Elon University, Citvitas Institute, McClatchy Newspapers, Youtube, Google Maps
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