Virginia AG: Obama's Birth Certificate Will Get Tested
Virginia Democratic blogger Not Larry Sabato posts the audio of a conversation with Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli -- recorded, the bloggers says, during the transition -- taking Obama conspiracy theories extremely seriously, and talking about legal options.
"It will get tested in my view when someone… when he signs a law, and someone is convicted of violating it and one of their defenses will be it is not a law because someone qualified to be President didn’t sign it," Cuccinelli says on the recording, suggesting its "possible" that he would challenge it.
"Someone is going to have to come forward with nailed down testimony that he was born in place B, wherever that is. You know, the speculation is Kenya. And that doesn’t seem beyond the realm of possibility," he says.
Cuccinelli's office didn't immediately respond to a question about the audio.
ALSO: Cuccinelli is emerging as a real irritant to Bob McDonnell, and his campaign pledge to govern as a moderate, and to avoid the cultural issues he steered away from during the campaign. McDonnell recently reversed an executive order that quietly lifted protections for gay employees after Cuccinelli trumpeted it in letters to colleges telling them they were free to discriminate.
Obama was once an CIA Operative who worked with the Taliban?
He's NOT a real U.S. Citizen??
Fact or Fiction?
Before you proceed I must warn you that the videos below possibly reveal extremely troubling information about Pres. Barack Hussein Obama's background.
The information presented raises a lot of doubt and questions.
No, I am NOT a "Birther" however as of late I'm beginning to wonder about Pres. Obama's U.S. Citizenship and his Muslim background.
Especially considering how many of his recent Policy Decisions seem to be taking America backward and destroying our nation's legacy.
For example him wanting to basically dismantle our Military Nuclear Program while Iran officials are making their program stronger.
Doesn't this seem as if Pres. Obama is intentionally allowing Iran to attack Israel?
The American Media (of which the CIA Bomber called "Stupid") has drowned out all cries of concerned people (Voters) requesting Obama's real citizenship be proven.
Just because the U.S. Supreme Court ruled him to be a U.S. Citizen, doesn't mean it is actually so.
After all if Politics or the CIA is involved, than even the Supreme Court will LIE.
If Pres. Obama is truly an American Citizen and he truly loves our country, fine I will let this rest.
However if Barack Obama is NOT a real U.S. Citizen, then his election was a LIE and he must be impeached.
I'm praying for our country because I'm disturbed by what Pres. Obama is doing.
At first I was fully onboard with Pres. Obama's call for "Health Care Reform", but the more I research information on his plan, I've discovered this plan may in fact help eliminate many of American Society's "undesirables" such as:
Unemployed Middle Class citizens, Senior Citizens, Low Income people, Black Children.
Especially unborn Black Babies from Poor, Unwed mothers.
I boldly stand for God and Jesus Christ!
What does Pres. Obama stand for?
God or Allah??
Is Pres. Obama trying to turn America into a Muslim nation or secretly attempting to diminish America's power?
Does he truly Love America?
Remember Rev. Jeremiah Wright?
Please watch the two videos posted and than come to your own conclusions.
Ignore the Biased Mainstream American Media!(except Fox News)
Where there is smoke, there is usually Fire.

Barack Obama's Birth Certificate Revealed Here
In Fall of 2007, there were all kinds of people, a number of them Ron Paul supporters, dashing from Internet site to Internet site suggesting that John McCain could not serve as president of the United States.
That was because he was born outside the United States and, therefore, not native-born, as presidents must be constitutionally.
McCain was, in fact, born in a U.S. military hospital in the Panama Canal Zone, where his father was serving in the Navy. That was, in fact, American-controlled territory at the time.
More importantly, his parents were both American citizens, so he could have been born on Mars and still been an American at birth. And a sense of the Senate resolution took care of any lingering doubts.
Now come the rumors about Barack Obama's birthplace, that he was really born in his father's native Kenya, so like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria, he can't become a U.S. president.
Same rule would apply as for McCain. Obama's mother was an American. So is her son.
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Sources: Politico, notlarrysabato.typepad.com, LA Times, Jihad Watch.org, American Grand Jury, Atlah World Ministries, Youtube, Google Maps

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