Congressman Larry Kissell (D) is being Black Listed and Pressured by North Carolina's local media including the Charlotte Observer, over his "No" vote on Obama's Health Care bill. (He previously voted "No".)
Now they are trying to destroy this man's reputation as a means of forcing him into voting "Yes" the second time around.
North Carolina's Media organizations are extremely Liberal, Partisan and Biased.
The Charlotte Observer happens to be losing customers and going broke because readers want FACTS but we keep getting Partisan Propaganda.
Quite often what the Charlotte Observer publishes is akin to "Big Brother" Brain Washing.
Its obvious on this Health Care issue someone from the Democratic Party is most likely paying Editorial staff to pressure Congressman Kissell.
They would rather Kissell vote to please them than vote for what's Fiscally right.
None of the Charlotte Observer staff has seen the entire health care bill or read the bill's language as Kissell has.
They are just listening to Pres. Obama's speeches, Mel Watt and Gov. Bev Perdue.
Pres. Obama doesn't want average American Voters to know what's in the Health Care bill because he doesn't want people to know the real truth about this so-called "Reform" legislation.
While Larry Kissell was on the campaign trail he supported Universal Health Care, however after being elected once he went to Washington and read this bill, he changed his mind as did several other Democrats.
As a Candidate Pres. Obama didn't say he wanted to take over Health Care, he said he wanted to Reform it and fix our broken Health Care System.
This particular bill is going to ruin our country with crazy, mind boggling Debt and give China & Russia total control over us.
Pres. Obama doesn't really care about providing Affordable Health Care as he proclaims, he just wants to help diminish America's power.
At one time I too was drunk from the Rhetoric of Obama's "kool-aid" but thank God now I see.
While I wholeheartedly agree our nation does need Health Care Insurance Reform, this particular bill is NOT the tool to accomplish that task!
I support Larry Kissell for his courageous stand.
I hope he places his trust in God Almighty and doesn't cave in to Dirty Political tactics from the DCCC.
Neither Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi takes the place of God.
Since none of them are listening to Voters, one day when they face God he'll will let them know how wrong they all were.
Check out the Charlotte Observer article below which proves how much pressure North Carolina's Corrupt Dems are placing on Congressman Kissell.
Larry Kissell Faces Pressure On Health Care
As President Obama and Congressional Democrats prepare their final push on health care overhaul, House leaders scrambling for votes are expected to turn up the pressure on members like Larry Kissell.
But the Montgomery County Democrat, who bucked his leadership in November, is poised to do it again.
"I continue to believe health care reform is necessary," he said in a statement. "However, my position has not changed on the health care reform proposal currently before Congress."
Today, Obama is expected to lay out a plan that includes several Republican-backed ideas. Aides say he's also likely to endorse a process requiring a simple Senate majority, not the current 60 votes.
That would throw health care back to the House, which narrowly passed one version in November. A switch of three votes would have killed it. Since then, one supporter has died, two retired and the lone Republican backer has hinted that he'll vote against it.
Kissell was one of 39 Democrats who voted against the bill, and one of three N.C. Democrats who did. Of those three, he's the only one from a district Obama carried in 2008.
"There's going to be plenty of pressure," said Norman Ornstein, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. "If they're one or two or three votes short, then I think he's going to feel a lot of heat."
Medicare money
Kissell, whose 8th District stretches from Charlotte to Fayetteville, was not available Tuesday. Asked about any pressure, spokeswoman Haven Kerchner said, "We often hear from folks on both sides of important national issues."
Kissell's Democratic primary opponent, retired educator Nancy Shakir, backs the House reform bill. After Kissell voted against it, she led a protest outside his Fayetteville office. She called it "Blow the Whistle on Kissell."
The six Republican candidates uniformly oppose Democratic health care proposals. One, Republican Lou Huddleston of Fayetteville, said he believes House leaders need Kissell's vote now more than before.
"I don't know that (House Speaker Nancy) Pelosi is going to have the wiggle room," Huddleston said. "I don't think Larry Kissell has felt the pressure yet."
Kissell voted against the bill last fall because he said it would cut Medicare to help pay for health care reforms. "I made a promise and commitment that I would look out for Medicare, and I'm doing that," he said at the time.
Current Democratic proposals do the same.
"The method of funding makes it impossible for me to change my vote on that bill," he said this week.
Party-line pressure
Tricia Neuman, director of Medicare policy for the nonprofit Kaiser Family Foundation, said most proposals would reduce what some say are overpayments to private insurers who offer so-called Medicare Advantage plans. Of North Carolina's 1.4 million Medicare beneficiaries, 241,000 are in such plans.
She said the changes could result in fewer benefits, such as eye glasses, to some Medicare Advantage patients. But they also would extend the life of the Medicare Trust Fund, now facing insolvency by 2017.
"The idea that this is going to be a big hit to Medicare recipients is a stretch," Ornstein said.
Other Charlotte-area Democrats - Reps. Mel Watt of Charlotte and John Spratt of York - voted for the House plan once and are expected to again. Watt said he expects Kissell will be among those under pressure to line up with their party.
"I don't think it will be from me," he said. "It will be from the president and leadership and his own constituents."
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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Wikipedia, Youtube, Google Maps
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