McHenry on health care overhaul
Here's what U.S. Rep. Patrick McHenry, a Cherryville Republican, had to say about the health care bill that passed the House last night. McHenry voted "no," reports Barb Barrett.
"This is an anti-jobs bill," McHenry said. "Instead of helping businesses create jobs it will increase federal spending, raise taxes and slow economic growth."
The fight goes on, McHenry added.
"This summer more than 5,000 people stood up against Obamacare at the 11 town halls I held across Western North Carolina," he said. "The battle against government-run health care is one of the most important I have ever fought and I am not about to give up now. I will work with like-minded Americans across our nation to repeal or challenge this unconstitutional government takeover."
Virginia Foxx On Health Care Overhaul
Here's what U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx, a Banner Elk Republican, had to say about the health care bill that passed the House last night. Foxx voted "no," reports Barb Barrett.
"Now more than ever we need sensible health care reform," Foxx said. "That’s why it's so sad that the Democratic majority forced this overhaul through. This bill is bad medicine, plain and simple. It's chock full of government mandates, $569 billion in job-killing tax hikes and $1.2 trillion in new government spending."

Coble on health care overhaul
Here's what U.S. Rep. Howard Coble, a Greensboro Republican, had to say about the health care bill that passed the House last night. Coble voted "no," reports Barb Barrett.
"Although a small portion of my constituents support this proposal, the vast majority wants nothing to do with it," Coble said. "Clearly there are areas of our health care system that need to be improved. That being said, this bill is a complete overhaul of the system. Make no mistake about it. This bill will put the government in control of our health care. It is a train wreck waiting to occur and considering our current economic morass, we need no train wrecks."

Myrick on health care overhaul
Here's what U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, a Charlotte Republican, had to say about the health care bill that passed the House last night. Myrick voted "no," reports Barb Barrett.
"Talk about creating jobs." Myrick said. "The majority has written a bill that requires approximately 16,500 additional IRS agents, auditors and other employees. Under this bill, these new government employees will be able to determine if you have 'acceptable' health coverage, and fine you if you don't. If you can't pay the fine, they'll now have the authority to confiscate your tax return. To top it off, $10 billion of your tax dollars will be used to pay for these gross expansions. More bureaucracy. It's just what the doctor ordered."

Kissell on health care overhaul
Here's what U.S. Rep. Larry Kissell, a Biscoe Democrat, had to say about the health care bill that passed the House last night. Kissell voted "no," Barb Barrett reports.
"I promised to protect Medicare," Kissell said. "While I believe we need health care reform and was proud to be an original co-sponsor of the bill to end the anti-trust exemption for insurance companies, I gave my word to the citizens of the 8th District that I would protect Medicare. The Senate Health Care Bill cuts Medicare by nearly half a trillion dollars over the next 10 years and those cuts were not addressed in the Reconciliation Bill. I am a man of my word, and I have kept my word to protect Medicare."
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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Google Maps
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