The current media feud between John Brennan & Kit Bond is further proof of how Pres. Obama's Administration has consistently used Partisan Politics to divide our country on every issue, including National Security.
Pres. Obama and his "Chicago Politics" Senior Advisers frequently use Mainstream Media organizations to play the Victim role as a means of diverting attention away from his Administration's failure to accomplish anything substantive.
They intentionally pick fights with Republican Leaders, Right Wing Leaders or Fox News in order to blame their failures on "GOP Obstructionists".
In addition to save his own skin Pres. Obama has consistently thrown White House/ Administration employees under the bus.
The latest poor soul: John Brennan
Here's the real deal:
1) Pres. Obama its not that American Voters personally hate you or wish to see you fail.
2) Its not that GOP or Right Wing Leaders personally hate you or want to see you fail.
(I'm sure everyone realizes Rush Limbaugh doesn't represent the entire Conservative, GOP or Right Wing movement.)
3) Pres. Obama its Your Comprehensive Policies that are failing!
4) Scott Brown's victory was not just some Political Fluke!
Due to your administration playing Political Games voters have become fearful. Scott Brown sensed this fear and seized it to win.
5) If you continue pushing Your Policies instead of listening to Voters and more experienced Congressional Leaders (Democrats & Republicans), your administration will FAIL and you will be a one term President.
Hopefully I'm wrong on this observation but it seems as if Barack Obama doesn't care about our country failing, because his election was only for personal reasons.
Check out the unnecessary feud between Kit Bond and John Brennan on the videos below.
I don't know about you but I'm praying for our nation.
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Kit Bond: John Brennan "Needs to go"
Sen. Kit Bond (R-Mo.) called fTuesday or the removal of the White House's top counterterrorism official, intensifying Republican criticism of the administration's handling of the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day.
Bond said John Brennan, a special assistant to the president for counterterrorism, needs to resign because of the politcal role he has played.
Brennan "needs to go," Bond told the National Review Online, a position spokeswoman Shana Marchio confirmed.
"Our problem now is that we have to wonder whether we can trust Brennan after he has been a mouthpiece for the political arm that I thought only came out of the White House press office," Bond said. "Instead of having real debates on our nation's terror-fighting policies, the national security team has become a bench of political spokespeople."
Bond has accused the administration of negligence for reading the suspected Christmas Day bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, his Miranda rights after less than an hour of questioning. Bond's call for Brennan's resignation comes in the wake of a USA Today op-ed Brennan published Tuesday accusing Republicans of jeopardizing national security with political attacks.
Bond's criticism is directed at a background briefing the administration held for reporters that revealed Abdulmutallab was again providing intelligence to federal investigators — a move designed to thwart Republican attacks accusing the White House of sacrificing valuable intelligence in favor of a fair judicial process.
Bond sent a caustic letter to the administration on the subject, a move that prompted White House press secretary Robert Gibbs to demand that Bond apologize to the White House and the intelligence community. Bond refused.
Bond, the ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is not the only member of Congress to criticize Brennan; his House-side counterpart, Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan has also accused Brennan of not sharing information with Congress.
Others with ties to the intelligence community think Brennan — who works in closer proximity to White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel than any other intelligence official — is behind the push to fight back against political attacks on White House Counter Terrorism Policy.
"There is tension between the intelligence community and Brennan," a Republican member of Congress who has long worked on intelligence issues told POLITICO. "They just feel that he is trying to micromanage, and also playing somewhat of a political role."
Sources: Politico, MSNBC, Meet The Press, Fox News, TPM, Youtube

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