Actually Foxx's ploy to raise property taxes seems more like a "Mayor McCrory Copycat Dream" (North Carolina's first Light Rail system was established under former Charlotte Mayor Pat McCrory's reign).
The City of Charlotte really has NO need or use for a Streetcar at this time, nevertheless since Foxx and his Democrat Political Hacks don't want to lose any Votes, they insist on spending $500 Million Dollars (mostly Property Taxes) to build it.
Thousands of Charlotteans are Unemployed yet Anthony Foxx wants to use Federal, State and Taxpayer dollars to make himself look good.
However constructing a Streetcar which will only travel 1.5 miles in the Uptown area is NOT going to solve that problem!
Most Intelligent people agree that expanding the Light Rail to U.N.C.C. would be a better use of spending Federal, State and Taxpayer dollars.
It would also help to clean up Charlotte's Air Quality.
Furthermore since it would take longer to continue construction of the Light Rail expansion, this would create more long term Jobs for Unemployed Charlotteans.
Its all Politics folks! Nothing but Arrogance, Politics and Power.
(Sigh) Nevertheless....
It doesn't matter if Foxx cancels Senior Citizen Doctor trips(provided by CATS) which will probably cause the death of many Low Income, Black Senior Citizens due to lack of proper Medical Care.
Even though many of those same Senior Citizens voted Foxx into the Mayor's office.
Even though those same Senior Citizen Doctor trips could be paid via the use of Stimulus Money or other Federal funding.
How is it that Mayor McCrory kept the Senior Citizen Transportation program in place for years and Charlotte NEVER went broke?
Suddenly under Foxx's rule the City of Charlotte can no longer afford it?
It doesn't matter because Mayor Anthony Foxx is a Narcissistic, Selfish Snob and HE DOESN'T REALLY GIVE A DARN!
Cutting that much needed program will help fund Foxx's 1.5 mile Streetcar project so that when Key National Democrat Leaders come to visit Charlotte he can stick out chest and brag: "LOOK WHAT I DID".
Its all Politics folks! Nothing but Arrogance, Politics and Power.
That's okay because people always reap what they sow.
Just take a look at what happened to Corrupt Former Mayor of Baltimore Sheila Dixon who used Gift Cards allocated to help Baltimore's poorest citizens for her own use.
As the old saying goes "The bigger they are, the harder they fall".
Charlotteans take a hard look at Anthony Foxx and Charlotte's Future.
Chicago's Corrupt Politics at its finest folks!
This is another reason why I did NOT vote for Foxx.
Once again you can thank your friendly neighborhood newspaper the Charlotte Observer(community nickname: "Charlotte Disturber") for this bit of loveliness.
Mayor Foxx your Coldhearted, Selfish behavior will eventually cause you to reap what you sow.
I'm praying for you.
One More Thing:
Mayor Foxx and every Charlotte City Council Member who agrees with this foolishness should be voted out of Public Office as soon as possible.
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