This afternoon during an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Democrat Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) of whom by the way is a former Prosecutor, agreed with his G.O.P. Congressional colleagues that Terrorists who come on American soil and commit War Crimes should NOT be Mirandized or given Legal Rights.
He also sees nothing wrong with holding trials for Terrorists in Military Tribunals.
Does the Obama Administration have egg on its face?
You should have seen Andrea Mitchell's face.
She thought Senator Specter was going to bash Republicans for saying Pres. Obama's Admininstration handled Umar Matallab's Interrogation incorrectly.
Instead he agreed with them.
Ha Ha!
As Scott Brown mentioned when delivering his victory speech, the American government should NOT be wasting Taxpayer dollars on ensuring that Terrorists who come to KILL American citizens, have legal rights.
Pres. Obama let me ask you when it comes to the "War on Terror" what's more important?
Protecting American Citizens or Mirandizing Terrorists for symbolic purposes??
As the 44th elected U.S. President who is your allegiance to the world stage or American citizens?
I hope Senator Specter doesn't suffer Retaliation from Pres. Obama or Democrats for speaking the truth regarding this situation.
Check out the videos below to hear both sides of the Terror debate including Senator Specter agreeing with Republican Party leadership.
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Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Sources: MSNBC, CNN

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