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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Global Warming A Conspiracy For Global Cap & Trade Tax?? UN Investigates

Recently Hackers have tried to prove global warming researchers are massaging the figures - after stealing sensitive emails from one of the UK's leading climate research centres. The documents were then made available to the public from a Russian server.

MSNBC's Pat Buchanan calls the Climate Change Agenda a big Hoax.

Al Gore testifies before Congress.
Congressional Members question Gore about the possibility of the U.S. potentially earning Billions from an Energy Tax if a Climate Change Agreement is reached at Copenhagen. Congress calls it a scheme for more Tax Revenue.

30,000 Scientists want to sue Al Gore for lying about Climate Change and Global Warming in his Oscar nominated movie "An Inconvenient Truth".

Now UN global warming panel launches probe into "Climategate" scandal

The UN panel on Climate Change is to investigate claims that UK scientists manipulated global warming data to support a theory that it is man-made.

The controversy, dubbed "Climategate", was sparked by the internet posting of hacked emails written by members of the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU).

The row comes ahead of next week's UN-sponsored conference on tackling climate change in Copenhagen.

One of the leaked emails suggested CRU head Dr. Phil Jones wanted certain papers excluded from the UN's next major assessment of climate science.

The professor denies that was his intention and says other emails have been taken out of context.

Dr. Jones has stepped down from his university work while an independent investigation is carried out.

He also claimed suggestions of a conspiracy to boost the evidence for man-made global warming were 'complete rubbish'.

The UN's Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) is the leading body for assessing climate change science.

Norfolk police are investigating whether computers were hacked. Issues to be probed include data security and whether the university responded to Freedom of Information requests.

IPCC chairman Dr. Rajendra Pachauri told the BBC the claims were serious and he wanted them investigated.

'We will certainly go into the whole lot and then we will take a position on it,' he said.

'We certainly don't want to brush anything under the carpet. This is a serious issue and we will look into it in detail.'

The university has already appointed former civil servant Sir Muir Russell to head an inquiry into allegations of misconduct by its scientists.

Eduardo Zorita, an expert in European climate trends, said that future reports from the IPCC would lack credibility if Professor Jones was involved in their compilation.

Dr Zorita also said that the content of thousands of emails and documents stolen from the University of East Anglia's computer system and published on the internet confirmed that some global warming research was riddled with 'machination, conspiracies and collusion'.

The scientist, of the Institute for Coastal Research in Geesthacht in northern Germany, is an expert in climate change over the past 1,000 years and contributed to the most recent IPCC report.

He and colleague Hans von Storch were mentioned in more than 30 documents, with one email referring to Professor von Storch as 'frankly an odd individual'.

Other emails have been seized on by climate change sceptics as evidence that researchers have been manipulating raw data and discussing ways of evading Freedom on Information requests.

In one of the most damaging emails, Professor Jones seems to suggest using a 'trick' to massage years of temperature data to 'hide the decline'.

In another, he appears to respond to news of the death of climate sceptic John Daly with the words 'in an odd way this is cheering news!'

Others show British researchers apparently dismissing the work of scientists challenging the global warming orthodoxy as 'c***' and a top American climatologist admitting it was a 'travesty' that scientists could not account for the lack of global warming in recent years.

In a separate development, Prime Minister Gordon Brown will insist today that a deal to avert catastrophic climate change is 'achievable' at next week's UN-sponsored conference in Copenhagen.

Speaking three days ahead of the opening of the crucial two-week gathering, Mr Brown will say the world is already half-way to reaching the changes needed to limit average global warming to 2C.

Action taken unilaterally by countries around the globe is already projected to take five billion tonnes of greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere by 2020, he will say.

The task at Copenhagen is to close the 'five billion tonne gap' between this figure and the 10 billion tonnes which climate change expert Lord Stern believes is necessary.

Mr. Brown will make his comments as he answers questions from young people at a pre-Copenhagen event hosted by the Department for Energy and Climate Change in London.

In his opening remarks, the Prime Minister will say: 'We are half-way to a Climate deal for the world. We must close the "five billion ton gap" in Copenhagen.

'A deal at Copenhagen which averts catastrophic climate change is our aim, and it is achievable. To keep global warming to a maximum of 2C, global greenhouse gas emissions need to fall from their present level of around 47 billion tonnes to below 20 billion tonnes in 2050.'

Mr Brown will cite the influential 2006 report by Lord Stern on the economics of climate change, which argued that to reach the 2050 target, the world would have to cut emissions to 35 billion tonnes by 2030 and around 44 billion tonnes by 2020.

'We could be a couple of billion tonnes above this; that would require faster but not impossible cuts after 2020,' Mr Brown will say.

'So this is the territory a 2C deal must land on: in the region of 44 billion tonnes in 2020.

'Today the world is on a path to emissions of 54 billion tonnes by 2020. So we need to take out 10 billion tonnes through this agreement.

'So far, unilateral action by countries around the world to reduce their emissions is already projected to take five billion tonnes out of the atmosphere. So we are half way there. Now at Copenhagen we must achieve the other half.

'We will do this if all countries come to Copenhagen with ambition. The EU has put forward an ambitious offer. We need everybody else to be ambitious too. That will seal the deal.'

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Sources: Daily Mail, BBC, UN, The Daily Beast, Media Matters,, Fox News, Youtube, Google Maps

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