You see this is why the Charlotte NAACP chapter is no longer relevant and needs to close its doors for good.
Here these local dodo birds (Charlotte's NAACP chapter members) which by the way don't even have a website for their organization, are raising stink about 100-year-old Myers Park Mortgage Deed documents.
Charlotte's NAACP chapter members claim these mortgage documents are filled with "Caucasian Only Clauses".
They have even threatened to sue the Myers Park Homeowners Association over these dated mortgage documents.
Can you believe it?
I could understand the NAACP's angst if this were 1950, 1960 or 1970 maybe even 1980 but 2009??
Come on people get serious!!
So now just because America has a Black President and Charlotte has a Black Mayor in office, the local NAACP chapter decides to finally speak up?
Where were your backbones before Pres. Obama & Anthony Foxx's elections?
After all neither Pres. Obama, nor Mayor Foxx takes the place of God Almighty.
In addition neither of them can solve ALL of Black America's or Charlotte's Minority Community problems.
Actually Pres. Obama has much more authority than Mayor Anthony Foxx but he certainly doesn't have time to fight useless battles over 100-year-old Mortgage Deed Clauses.
I don't believe if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr were alive today (in 2009) he would be pleased with Charlotte using NAACP Organization Membership funds in this wasteful, divisive manner.
The Myers Park Homeowners Association offered an Apology but apparently Charlotte's NAACP Chapter just wants money because their threatening to sue.
How stupid!
While African-Americans are experiencing the Highest Unemployment rate in our nation, Charlotte's NAACP members are arguing about a stupid Deed Clause with what they claim to be "racially-biased tinged" language. ("Caucasian Only Clause")
Again, this is 2009!
If your a Black Charlotte-Mecklenburg citizen who can afford to live in Myers Park, by all means take your money and do it! Who cares?
Why create this kind of Community/ Racial Division during an Economic Recession in the local media over something so trivial?
This is embarrassing and a shame!
Here are 10 MAJOR Issues facing Minority citizens who reside in Charlotte-Mecklenburg County that the local NAACP chapter NEVER said a word about but should have:
1) Charlotte's NAACP chapter members have NEVER spoken up about Charlotte's Racially-Segregated, Failing Public Schools and the wide racial Academic Achievement gaps.
2) They NEVER spoke up about how whenever a Black Child/ Youth is killed the Charlotte-Meck. DA's office refuses to prosecute that child's murderer.
3) They NEVER spoke up about the disproportionate number of Black Youth being imprisoned versus attending College.
4) They NEVER spoke up about Tiffany Wright's death (a Foster Care Youth) and the avoidable circumstances leading up to her death.
5) They NEVER spoke up about the large number of Black College Graduates having to settle for jobs in Charlotte's Call Centers due to Racially Discriminatory Hiring practices.
(I'm speaking of before the Recession.)
6) They NEVER spoke up about Harry Jones poor leadership of Charlotte DSS, an organization largely responsible for keeping Low Income Children and Low Income Black Mothers in Poverty.
(More out-of-wedlock babies means more Federal Revenue from Gov't agencies)
An organization (Charlotte DSS) currently being investigated by a Federal Grand Jury for Embezzlement and illegal Misappropriation of Federal/ Public Funding.
7) Charlotte's NAACP also NEVER spoke up about how the City refused to keep many Affordable Housing units up to code, thus requiring many Low Income citizens to reside in Substandard, Raggedy residences.
8) They NEVER spoke about how Charlotte-Mecklenburg City/ County officials have double taxed properties of Black Homeowners for years & years (even homes that are now underwater), a practice which is still in effect.
9) They NEVER spoke up about how the City of Charlotte established policies and regulations to hinder Minority Business Owners from receiving a Fair share of Gov't Contracts.
10) They NEVER spoke up about the raggedy, always late buses (Public Transportation) serving Charlotte's Black Communities vs the Nice, always on time Buses & Light Rail serving Charlotte's Wealthy White Communities, even though both Black & White passengers pay the SAME exact fares.
No, Charlotte's NAACP Chapter has NEVER spoke up about ANY of the issues I mentioned above.
They want to focus on 100-year-old Mortgage Deed Clauses?
I could go but I think you understand my point.
Of course you can also thank the Partisan, Divisive Charlotte Observer for this mess.
After all its the Charlotte Observer newspaper which loves to push Straight Ticket Voting.
(Straight Ticket Voting often helps to put the WRONG Leaders in Public Office)
If Charlotte's NAACP chapter spends more time opening its doors to ALL Minority citizens versus just Charlotte's Black Elite, and use their Legal Power to help build up Charlotte's Low Income communities, than they will deserve to keep their doors open.
If not...
Go somewhere, sit down and shut up!
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"Caucasian" clause causes Myers Park uproar
The state and local NAACP on Monday blasted the Myers Park Homeowners Association for a discriminatory deed restriction published on its Web site.
The dispute could end up in court if the two sides don't reach some sort of agreement -- possibly including a financial payment that some estimate could reach $50,000 -- within 30 days.
The NAACP filed a complaint in 2007 against the association for posting a sample deed that included a decades-old clause specifying that "people of the Caucasian race only" could live in or own a Myers Park house.
The complaint was filed with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Community Relations Committee, which investigates claims of housing discrimination. Last week, the committee ruled that the Myers Park association was responsible for publishing a discriminatory statement and told the two parties to negotiate a settlement.
Although the deed was removed from the Web site more than a year ago, the NAACP is seeking penalties that could include a financial payment.
"It's kind of like being caught speeding. You can't just slow down - you've got to pay the fine," the Rev. William Barber, president of the state NAACP, told a crowd of about 100 people gathered Monday at Little Rock AME Zion Church in uptown.
Ken Davies, an attorney representing the Myers Park Homeowners Association, told WCNC-TV, the Observer's news partner, that the clause is nearly a century old, is illegal, and has not been enforced.
Davies told WCNC that the NAACP's demands, which have not been publicly released, are "outrageous."
The president of the Myers Park Homeowners Association issued a public apology Monday, saying the group was trying to draw attention to construction-related restrictions and did not intend to discriminate.
"We published it solely to alert homeowners about setbacks and other restrictions for modifying their homes," Pamela May told the Observer. "We deserve to take responsibility, and we do."
The association acknowledged the language posted in the sample deed is offensive, but said it didn't have the authority to change wording recorded almost 100 years ago.
"To those who read and were offended, we apologize," her statement said. "The Myers Park Homeowners Association has never attempted to discriminate against anyone."
The parties have about a month to reach a settlement before additional measures - such as a lawsuit - could be taken. Barber said the NAACP is ready to "go to the mat" on this "Jim Crow activity," but wouldn't say exactly what the group is seeking.
An initial settlement proposal sought thousands of dollars in payments to the local NAACP branch as a penalty, according to Barber, but is no longer the proposal being discussed.
However, WCNC says it has learned that the NAACP is seeking financial payments that could reach $50,000.
Such deed restrictions were near universal when Myers Park and other old Charlotte neighborhoods were built in the early 20th century. But the race-based restrictions were outlawed decades ago.
Still, the NAACP argues that the association's recent publication of the deed restriction discouraged blacks from trying to buy houses in Myers Park.
Barber said the issue is bigger than an outdated racist clause in a deed, and that patterns of housing segregation that resulted continue to affect school quality and neighborhoods today.
The neighborhood association does vigorously enforce other deed restrictions relating to issues such as construction, renovations and setbacks.
But Stella Adams, a fair housing advocate with the NAACP, said it wasn't clear in the posted deed that the whites-only rule was no longer in effect.
Adams told WCNC that a study of residences in Myers Park proves that segregation has taken place. She produced pie charts, showing just a small percentage of minorities live in Myers Park, compared to much larger populations elsewhere in the city.
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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, WCNC, MSNBC, NAACP, Myers Park Homeowners Association, Google Maps

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