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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Charlotte Voters Want Harry Jones Replaced!...Not Phony Ethics Probes! Outlaw Straight Ticket Voting

Its Official!

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Politicians have finally proven they are too arrogant and conceited to see the writing on the wall.

As it relates to blatant DSS Fraud in Charlotte-Mecklenburg County, Charlotte Voters don't want False Promises of Phony Ethics Probes from Commissioners!

Voters want to see some action as it relates to replacing Harry Jones as Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Manager.

In addition Voters want a Federal Investigation.

They don't have to fire Jones, just demote him and hire a New County Manager.

No, instead of pleasing Constituents (Voters) these delusional "Powers That Be" think all the Public Outrage will eventually die down sooner or later.

Its also obvious local Politicians appear to believe as long as Straight Ticket Voting is pushed by the Charlotte Observer and the Black Political Caucus, their seats are etched in stone.


Charlotte Constituents are angry at the level of Public Corruption being allowed to take place which is destroying Charlotte's reputation.

These Constituents aren't stupid and they demand action now!

If you think I'm exaggerating take at look at Reader Comments (below) from recent Charlotte Observer articles written about the Mecklenburg County DSS Fraud Scandals.

Since Charlotte-Mecklenburg Politicians are afraid to address what appears to be Extreme Corruption within Charlotte-Mecklenburg's DSS and regain Public Trust by replacing County Manager Harry Jones, Charlotte will probably be next in line for an FBI Public Corruption bust.

Anthony Foxx's recent Mayoral Win won't be able to stop any investigations from taking place because contrary to popular belief, Foxx just doesn't have it like that with Pres. Obama or the Feds.

I wonder if their (Charlotte's Politicians) Fraternities, Sororities or other Elite Connections will be able to save them.

Why not ask Jim Black or Thomas Wright?

That's what happens when you choose to make deals with the devil.

Please check out the videos and articles below to learn why the FBI more than likely currently has it eye on Charlotte, NC as we speak.

Possible DSS Fraud Suspect Has Resigned; Attorney Defends. Its Not Enough!

The attorney for the former director of a county Christmas charity on Wednesday denied accusations that his client personally benefited from donations intended to help needy children.

Charlotte lawyer T. Patrick Matus said Cindy Brady has cooperated with an ongoing police investigation. "I feel comfortable she was not involved in any wrongdoing," Matus said.

The comments mark the first time anyone has been publicly linked to the investigation since the county earlier this year began scrutinizing what happened to about $162,000 spent through the Giving Tree program.

The development comes amid debate about whether the county should look into other allegations contained in anonymous letters from current and former Department of Social Services employees.

Brady, who retired Aug. 1 as a DSS supervisor, collected donations for the Christmas charity. Brady could not be reached. Matus declined further comment.

The program has faced criticism for accounting lapses, including receipts that were altered or whited out.

Two workers linked to the Giving Tree were suspended with pay, but one was later reinstated. The other was placed on medical leave.

County officials have never released the names of the workers.

In June, county officials said they had collected some information on what happened to about $138,000 in the program.

But on Tuesday, county leaders were shocked when the internal auditor reported that the first audit needed revision. It did not account for $33,000 that an employee had returned in February and March.

It's unclear whether Brady is the unidentified employee who returned the money.

The county said it was a former employee who had worked with the Giving Tree for 10 years.

The Giving Tree investigation was part of a larger look at accounting within the Department of Social Services. The county has taken steps to improve the system.

But commissioners said the controversy has hurt public confidence in county government.

Commissioner Neil Cooksey has proposed creating a position for an ethics officer who would look into alleged corruption and report directly to commissioners.

Cooksey said he suggested the idea in response to the probes and numerous anonymous letters from current and former DSS workers.

The change is needed because some workers are afraid to voice complaints and "feel threatened and frustrated," Cooksey said.

Commissioner Vilma Leake and some other commissioners criticized the proposal for a new position. However, the board unanimously agreed to study how to improve public confidence and ethics across county government.

Leake said she ignores anonymous letters.

"You ought to be man or woman enough to put your name on it," Leake said.

County Manager Harry Jones and current and former county commissioners have said they received anonymous letters for more than two years.

But the volume picked up shortly after the county hired Mary Wilson as DSS director in the summer of 2008.

One letter claimed Wilson "has been on the job one month but has wreaked more havoc in this short time than all the years I have worked at DSS." That prompted a response from Jones.

"This new leadership is asking questions, quite frankly, that need to be asked; questions that challenge the status quo," Jones wrote in an Aug. 7, 2008, e-mail to county commissioners. He also discussed the issue at DSS staff meetings that month.

Commissioners Chair Jennifer Roberts said Wednesday she has probably received fewer than 10 of the anonymous letters, many of which are about Wilson.

She said she usually gives a copy to the county attorney. She said she is surprised by the anger and tone in some of the letters, but noted she isn't sure whether the messages are coming from multiple people or just one.

The county launched an employee report line earlier this month to let its workers anonymously report concerns about possible fraud, abuse or illegal activity. Any reports will go first to an outside company, which will then forward the complaints to the county's internal audit team to investigate.

The report line had been in the works well before the DSS controversy, and was suggested by the county's external auditors. County staff said they'll evaluate the service after one year and could decide, among other things, whether to open up the hotline to take calls from the general public.

Roberts said there has been some discussion about whether to let citizens use the report line, and whether there ought to be an outside company that not only takes the initial reports but also handles any follow-up to the complaints.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg DSS Fraud Mystery: Where did money go?

Internal e-mails reveal new allegations of misspending at the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services, raising more unanswered questions about what happened to money intended to help needy children.

Some of the more than 1,000 e-mails the Observer obtained through a public records request provide the most detailed account to date about the agency's accounting fiasco.

E-mails show:

Officials suspected an employee wrote $80,000 in checks to herself from donations.

An administrator questioned why other donations were used to buy $340 diamond earrings, leather coats and a $300 DVD player.

A top executive complained that a senior fiscal administrator frustrated co-workers with her "inability to explain the simplest concepts of revenue and expenses."

After nearly a year, officials have never said who was at fault for $162,000 that disappeared or whether anyone was disciplined.

No one has been charged in an ongoing police investigation and a county report says officials cannot be certain where the money went.

Meanwhile, donors are left to wonder whether their generosity ever helped buy Christmas gifts for those in need.

In one e-mail, a woman describes calling the county in 2007 to give $900 for single mothers at Christmas. The person who answered the phone told her to make a check payable to the worker's sister.

The donor said she grew suspicious and made the check out to the county, but the idea that it may still have been misused is "like a kick in the stomach."

In another e-mail, a founder of Second String Santa said he was concerned whether kids received the more than 50,000 toys his group had donated since 1989.

Will Miller said he believes some of the toys reached children, but he's not sure about the rest.

"Will we ever know? Probably not," he said.

Two commissioners said they have asked county administrators for a full accounting of what went wrong at DSS but have yet to receive answers. County officials have never explained who was responsible, they said.

"To fix it, you have to admit all the stuff that is messed up," Commissioner Bill James said. "They don't want to do too much digging."

County administrators declined interview requests. Instead, a county spokesman released a prepared statement saying appropriate fiscal controls have been installed in response to an outside audit and an internal investigation.

"Our review of the e-mails we provided and your follow up questions did not reveal any new information that would suggest any change in the audit findings or in management's response to those findings," the statement said.

Some commissioners said they have been told that the employees involved have either left county government or been placed in new positions.

Unusual spending patterns

DSS spends $176 million annually and employs 1,200 workers to assist Mecklenburg's poor and neglected. The agency administers everything from food stamps to foster care and child protection services.

Last spring, DSS Director Mary Wilson ordered financial audits following reports of suspicious spending.

Auditors looked at multiple spending programs and financial practices in the agency. They found a $10,000 check made out to an employee, missing and altered receipts and money for kids spent on office supplies.

County leaders responded by suspending the programs, putting DSS finance under direct county control, training workers on accounting procedures and ordering a review of financial procedures in each county agency.

The Observer reviewed e-mails dating from December 2008 to July 2009 for seven current and former county administrators, including Wilson, County Manager Harry Jones, County Finance Director Dena Diorio and Internal Auditor Cornita Spears.

E-mails show county officials noticed unusual spending patterns as early as last December but did not disclose problems to the public until March.

On New Year's Eve, Wilson told staff she had suspended a voucher program the agency used to purchase clothes and other items for clients at local stores. She wrote that officials were worried about a lack of oversight and a spike in spending.

One monthly retail bill leapt from between $5,000 and $6,000 to more than $20,000 in October 2008, the e-mail says. Employees turned in receipts only 30 to 35 percent of the time, she wrote.

At one time or another, workers possessed or had access to numerous credit cards and gift cards, including some to Bath & Body Works, Bass Pro Shops, Macy's, the Cheesecake Factory and Outback Steakhouse.

Outside auditors verified for county administrators that DSS workers possessed county-issued credit cards, including 10 credit cards for Sam's Club, three for Harris Teeter and an online charge account with

In February, county officials asked internal auditors to look into questionable spending, including purchases of diamond earrings, leather coats and a DVD player.

An e-mail to one of the auditors from a human resources consultant said the purchases raise "many questions and concerns."

According to the county's statement, most gifts were typical children's items such as toys, clothes and books. More expensive items such as diamond earrings and leather coats were approved purchases for foster children who reached special milestones like high school graduation, the statement says.

"Receiving a gift of some significant value was viewed as an incentive for other children who were in foster care to set goals and accomplish them," the statement said.

Commissioner Harold Cogdell said he spent part of his early childhood in foster care and believes the gifts are a good idea.

"It makes sense to me to show the kids some love," Cogdell said.

A new Accountant

DSS has endured multiple management shakeups in recent years. The latest came when Wilson reorganized the agency after she was hired in July 2008.

She laid out the reasons to hire a new finance director in a February e-mail.

Wilson wrote that the senior fiscal administrator who managed DSS finances failed to provide reports about oversight, alienated staff and lacked the ability to conduct productive discussions with senior county executives. The e-mail does not name the senior fiscal administrator.

DSS later hired accountant Angela Hurlburt to oversee its finances.

James, the commissioner, said he has asked for the names and background information on Hurlburt's predecessors. He wants them to answer questions from the Board of Commissioners' Audit Review Committee, which investigated accounting lapses at DSS.

He said administrators have failed to respond to his requests and complained that officials "keep us in the dark."

Other Commissioners disagreed.

Chairman Jennifer Roberts and Commissioner Dumont Clarke said county leaders have already put in place reforms that will protect taxpayer and donor money.

"The highest priority" is implementing new financial controls, Clarke said.

Shifting the Finances

Auditors from Cherry, Bekaert & Holland reviewed DSS and found that Mecklenburg officials responded appropriately. The county's Audit Review Committee came to the same conclusion.

But DSS Director Wilson bristled at one of the major reforms.

Leaders put DSS finance under the direct control of the county's main finance department after allegations of misspending surfaced.

In April, Wilson sent an e-mail to County General Manager Michelle Lancaster to complain. Calling the decision "premature" and "shortsighted," Wilson said there are emergencies when DSS workers must write checks immediately, including occasions when the agency takes children in custody who need clothes, toiletries and school supplies.

"I understand the urgency at the time, but there was a reason DSS had check writing capability and I think we threw the baby out with the bathwater instead of fixing the underlying issue, which is documentation and accountability," Wilson wrote.

Donors left with Questions

Past supporters of the DSS Christmas charity include Young Lawyers, employees of Wachovia and Bank of America, and Project Joy, the holiday fund drive initiated by Observer columnist Tommy Tomlinson. The Christmas charity, known as the Giving Tree, is now run by the Salvation Army.

The donor who gave $900 e-mailed the county in July after learning about accounting failures from news accounts. She attached a picture of the check copy she made around Christmas in 2007.

She wrote that she did not remember the name of the woman she spoke with on the phone.

The donor said she and her family all pitched in to raise the money so she could assist women like her who had struggled as single mothers.

When she heard there were allegations of misspending in a DSS charity program, "It's like your stomach just drops."

Concerned Man's e-mail about Charlotte-Mecklenburg DSS Fraud sent to his employer

As news spread about possible missing money from the Department of Social Services Christmas charity, Harry Lomax and other donors contacted Mecklenburg County leaders to complain.

"I feel duped," Lomax wrote in an e-mail to county commissioners and top administrators.

But Lomax likely did not anticipate County Manager Harry Jones' response.

Jones forwarded the e-mail to Lomax's employer, Bank of America, and wrote, "Do you know Harry Lomax."

A Bank of America vice president replied to Jones about one hour later, writing that she was "embarrassed" by Lomax's e-mail.

"I am tracking it down. I don't know him - I have alerted charles. Will be back to you," she wrote.

Some commissioners and ethics experts now say the actions by Jones and the bank official were improper because they could stifle free speech and blur the lines between employment and citizenship.

It's unclear how Jones knew Lomax worked at Bank of America. Lomax sent his message from a personal account and did not mention the bank by name.

"It is not appropriate," said Diane Swanson, a professor of business ethics at Kansas State University. "If this happened all the time, what kind of world would we have?"

The Observer obtained the e-mails from the county through an open records request. They provide a glimpse into how top Mecklenburg administrators reacted to reports of misspending and accounting lapses at the Department of Social Services.

Worried donors wrote to commissioners and county executives after auditors disclosed that they could not account for tens of thousands of dollars from a charity designed to buy Christmas presents for needy children.

Some county commissioners said they do not understand why Jones forwarded the e-mail from Lomax to his employer when he was speaking as a citizen and not on behalf of the company. They said they would question Jones about it.

Public officials publish their phone numbers and e-mail addresses to allow constituents to voice concerns and ask questions. They also set aside time during public meetings to listen to comments from constituents.

"Citizens are able to vent frustrations without thinking that (county) management will get their employer to engage in some retribution," Commissioner Bill James said. "This makes the county look bad. It makes Harry look vindictive. It makes Bank of America look like the county's hatchet man."

Jones did not respond to interview requests from the Observer. A county spokesman referred a reporter to a statement the county released, but it does not directly address questions about Lomax's e-mail.

Nicole Nastacie, a spokeswoman for Bank of America, said "on their personal time, employees are free to express personal opinions" to government officials about any issue that is not related to the company.

Betty Turner, the bank's government liaison who responded to Jones, suspected that Lomax's e-mail involved issues related to the bank and appropriately looked into the situation, Nastacie said. When she determined Lomax was speaking as a private citizen, there were no further discussions, Nastacie said.

Lomax declined to comment.

The e-mail

On July 7, Lomax sent his e-mail to commissioners, Jones, DSS Director Mary Wilson and County Finance Director Dena Diorio. He wrote that he had planned to speak during a commissioners meeting the same day at the urging of Commissioner Neil Cooksey.

Lomax wrote that he left before speaking and decided to e-mail his comments.

The e-mail criticizes county management for failing to prevent accounting failures and accuses some commissioners of a "flippant, hands-off response" to the issue. "There seems to be a need for a wholesale cleanup of many county agencies, and I think that starts from the top down," Lomax wrote.

A week after receiving the e-mail, Jones forwarded it to Turner.

Commissioners respond

Commissioner Karen Bentley said Jones should not have sent the e-mail to Bank of America.

"It should have no bearing on his job," Bentley said. "That's his right."

Commissioner Dumont Clarke called the move "unusual."

Clarke and some other commissioners said they would need more information to judge whether Jones acted appropriately.

"It's not a good practice for the manager to do," Clarke said.

Commissioner Chairman Jennifer Roberts said she would try to contact Lomax to speak with him. "I don't read anything into this," Roberts said. "Maybe Harry was trying to make sure Bank of America didn't feel duped."

Four business and government professors reviewed the e-mails for the Observer. Three said Jones did not have a valid reason to forward Lomax's e-mail since he did not mention his employer by name or present himself as a representative of the company.

"Given these circumstances, one would expect a public official to respond directly to Mr. Lomax and not contact his employer," said Denis Arnold, a professor of business ethics at UNC Charlotte.

Winthrop professor Marilyn Smith disagreed.

Considering public outcry over alleged misspending in DSS, Smith said it understandable that Jones would contact Bank of America. The bank also reacted appropriately, she said.

"To a certain extent, we represent our employers 24/7," said Smith, a professor of management. "We like to think it's my own personal opinion. Companies are judged by how their employees behave, fair or not."

READER COMMENTS: (Charlotte Observer Readers (Voters) Want Harry Jones gone and a New Board of County Commissioners!)

allicanstand wrote on 11/19/2009 09:55:37 AM:

One thing that is obvious in this whole mess is that this system is broken. None of our elected so called leaders seems willing to even try to repair this. I think it is time for this to stop and the only way that is going to happen is a grass roots movement to tear down DSS and rebuild it from the ground up. The govenor won't stand up, the State DSS does nothing so why are we paying for this?? It is time to end DSS because they are hurting more than they are helping and we are spending millions to hurt families and children. Lets get together and say NO MORE!

oldman1 wrote on 11/19/2009 11:24:51 AM:

Replying to allicanstand (11/19/2009 09:54:03 AM):
"One thing that is obvious in this whole mess is that this system is broken. None of our elected so called leaders seems willing to even try to repair this. I think it is time for this to stop and the only way that is going to happen is a grass roots movement to tear down DSS and rebuild it from the...":

You are right. I am wiling to participate, I sent you an email, this does need to stop.

cedarposts wrote on 11/19/2009 11:16:10 AM:

I think the commissioners should be forced to call an emergency meeting to address the DSS, as well as Wilson and Jones' continued employment. Let them go on record as standing with Jones and Wilson. Then as the rest of the story unfolds they can't claim innocence or ignorance.

If it is blown out of proportion as they say it is fine, if not they can all swing from the gallows together.

csrin wrote on 11/19/2009 10:59:41 AM:

Replying to toomuchgovernment (11/19/2009 09:13:47 AM):
"like that would do some good. Did you see the comments AGAINST good ole Harry getting that $37K bonus and guess what....he received the BONUS! Kinda like Barack...we are against socialized, rationed medicine and we are getting it anyways! The philosophy is the same, its what we want & TOHEll...":

You are right on toomuch, folks need to look at socialist countries now and in the past. Who are the elitists? The ones with all the perks and $$$. The government! So it's we will tell you what you r health insurance covers, but we will have our own, we will tell you what car t

csrin wrote on 11/19/2009 10:55:25 AM:

"You ought to be man or woman enough to put your name on it," Leake said.

Does she also believe the names of the DSS employees under investigation should be public?
They are probably afraid to put their name on it because she may turn it over to Harry Jones and he will go on a witch hunt and turn them in to their employer

Taj_MyStall wrote on 11/19/2009 10:07:50 AM:

Need to take a really close look at everything at DSS. I personally knew of someone who was a whistleblower on their supervisor there. This individual discovered that there were multiple names listed for food stamps for the same physical address. When it was discovered that the address listed belonged to the supervisor, she was fired. Black market trader.

allicanstand wrote on 11/19/2009 09:54:03 AM:

One thing that is obvious in this whole mess is that this system is broken. None of our elected so called leaders seems willing to even try to repair this. I think it is time for this to stop and the only way that is going to happen is a grass roots movement to tear down DSS and rebuild it from the ground up. The govenor won't stand up, the State DSS does nothing so why are we paying for this?? It is time to end DSS because they are hurting more than they are helping and we are spending millions to hurt families and children. Lets get together and say NO MORE!

BitterEXdemocrat wrote on 11/19/2009 09:48:59 AM:

Also CALL MEL WATT and tell him to STOP trying to DERAIL HR 1207 to AUDIT the Federal Reserve which has 308 CO sponsors in the HOUSE! They may vote on Watt's amendment today! or .org for a list of committee members to contact directly!!!

SHAME on Mel Watt a VERY corrupt NC democrackkk!!!

carolynnty wrote on 11/19/2009 09:15:53 AM:

The change is needed because some workers are afraid to voice complaints and "feel threatened and frustrated," Cooksey said.
I cannot imagine why workers might be afraid to voice complaints. After all, Dirty Harry did not try to eliminate a Bank of America SVP or anything....

toomuchgovernment wrote on 11/19/2009 09:13:47 AM:

Replying to MyHumbleOpinion (11/19/2009 07:32:20 AM):
"Write a letter:


SEND TO:;;;;...":

like that would do some good. Did you see the comments AGAINST good ole Harry getting that $37K bonus and guess what....he received the BONUS! Kinda like Barack...we are against socialized, rationed medicine and we are getting it anyways! The philosophy is the same, its what we want & TOHEll with YOU!

toomuchgovernment wrote on 11/19/2009 09:13:47 AM:

Replying to MyHumbleOpinion (11/19/2009 07:32:20 AM):
"Write a letter:


SEND TO:;;;;...":

like that would do some good. Did you see the comments AGAINST good ole Harry getting that $37K bonus and guess what....he received the BONUS! Kinda like Barack...we are against socialized, rationed medicine and we are getting it anyways! The philosophy is the same, its what we want & TOHEll with YOU!

carolynnty wrote on 11/19/2009 09:11:41 AM:

Commissioner Neil Cooksey has proposed creating a position for an ethics officer who would look into alleged corruption and report directly to commissioners. I doubt this would help since it would likely be another crony hire. Would Jones hire the ethics commissioner from his favorite employment agency, his church?

toomuchgovernment wrote on 11/19/2009 09:11:40 AM:

Replying to carolynnty (11/19/2009 09:04:34 AM):
"Well, of course her attorney would defend her in a statementt. That is what he is paid ito do. Because he says it, doesn't make it so. The results of the full ivestigation need to be made public; possibly the SBI needs to come in. Obviously, there is a conflict of interest in the police department...":

yea I couldn't agree more, but this group of losers is very adept of playing the blame game....

NowSaySomething wrote on 11/19/2009 09:07:47 AM:

Replying to MyHumbleOpinion (11/19/2009 07:32:20 AM):
"Write a letter:


SEND TO:;;;;...":

Thank you!

carolynnty wrote on 11/19/2009 09:04:34 AM:

Well, of course her attorney would defend her in a statementt. That is what he is paid ito do. Because he says it, doesn't make it so. The results of the full ivestigation need to be made public; possibly the SBI needs to come in. Obviously, there is a conflict of interest in the police department and that investigation is not likely to lead anywhere. However, the county commssioners cannot afford to wait another minute before getting rid of Harry Jones. Part of the decline in charitable giving is on their shoulders.

clutthewindow wrote on 11/19/2009 09:00:56 AM:

I wonder if they sat on this information until after Anthony Foxx was elected?

Babydoll wrote on 11/19/2009 08:39:24 AM:

I got 'laid off' two weeks after reporting a fellow employee had charged $3000 in personal charges to her company credit card (I was in charge of the 150 cards for our company). I lost my job...she, however, got to work another YEAR...I hope she was paying off what she owed them. I wouldn't report it again...frig wasn't my money she was good deed goes unpunished, I found out.

MyHumbleOpinion wrote on 11/19/2009 07:32:20 AM:

Write a letter:


SEND TO:;;;;;;;;

MyHumbleOpinion wrote on 11/19/2009 07:30:56 AM:

I wrote the commissioners when all this first came out July! I got SEVERAL calls and emails. Of course Bill James, who seems to be very upset when I mentioned HE nor any other person associated with the County or DSS should have been on the "Independednt Audit Committee" Yet, He, Harry Jones and several others WERE part of this audit! Boy you should see the emails I got from James, they were ALL about HIM! LOL....

I will say I was impressed with the call from Dumonte Clark who was VERY informative. I didn't agree with his logic, but he listened. I think it is time that SOMEONE other than ROBERTS be in charge of our county! If you are tired of this situtaion let's do something...GET ROBERTS OUT OF THERE and put someone else in who actually udnerstands what the people of this county want...and it is NOT handing out BONUSES for people who haven't earned them!

Tash wrote on 11/19/2009 05:59:12 AM:

By all means, add your name to your charge or complaint- That way it will be much easier for County Manager Harry Jones to report you to your employer.

Vilma Leake- what an embarrassment she is to this community. Signed or not- a letter to her goes no where.

toomuchgovernment wrote on 11/19/2009 05:42:22 AM:

Of Course, Velma 'ignores anomymous letters' as she is the first one who would 'consider the source' and if 'the source' was not someone she liked, then the letter would go nowhere-or she, like our illustrions County manager would GO AFTER the person who said something bad. To sign ones name with this bunch of zeros in charge is writing your own death sentence from your job and who in their right mind in this economy wants to lose their job?
People will respond anomyously to lots of things-and the truth comes out, as people 'feel safe.'

Wake up Velma - YOU know what you are doing here as you are hiding behind all of this retoric you and Harry Jones are vindictive as demostrated thru your behavior...your words are empty!

Watch their actions NOT THEIR WORDS!

cedarposts wrote on 11/19/2009 05:29:48 AM:

Its time for a house cleaning, starting with Harry Jones and if the Mecklenburg County Commissioners won't start cleaning up this mess then we'll have to vote them out next year.

Maybe its time to end Mecklenburg County government and combine the last holdouts into City government. Sure would save some money and I wouldn't have to watch govtv at much.

unc02grad wrote on 11/19/2009 00:55:20 AM:

this is all bs. Really? I mean Really? I think we should all take this as a lesson learned and give our hard earned dollars elsewhere. The kids won't suffer -- from what I can tell none of it made it to the anyway.

mytwocents wrote on 11/18/2009 11:30:58 PM:

To the County Commissioners: To all appearances, The COUNTY MANAGER is the one who tried to get a private citizen fired, or at least reprimanded by his employer for asking an honest question. Why in the world should ANY County employee feel safe in signing their name to a letter, or calling a tip line? If the results from the tip line go right back to County management, guess what chance the County employee has? None. Most folks know the Emperor's New Clothes are...well, lacking. It's much harder to find the courage to risk it all to publically point out the obvious. The Emperor is in his long johns, and the "new clothes" are a sham. Some (many?) County employees feel that the County Commissioners will do nothing anyhow. Honest County employees should not be found at fault for not wanting to face the equivilent of a fiscal firing squad, risking their homes and livelihood because megalomania has taken the place of open honest government.

J wrote on 11/18/2009 11:28:05 PM:

Leake said she ignores anonymous letters.

"You ought to be man or woman enough to put your name on it," Leake said.

I wrote all the county commissioners an e-mail about Harry Jones, with my name address and telephone number and it appears Leake ignores all letters period!

BRUCE123 wrote on 11/18/2009 10:53:18 PM:

I now know what went wrong at the giving tree charity........ they thought it was the ((Lending Tree)).

BRUCE123 wrote on 11/18/2009 10:47:05 PM:

Here is a tip for corrupt bureaucrats in city county government, if you would spread around the money and not and try and keep it all for yourself you will get away with it. Don't be greedy, share more of the loot with coworkers.

But never fear the United way will hire you guys....... with your experience you can be living large again in no time.

diggndeeper wrote on 11/18/2009 10:41:51 PM:

Business as usual for any large urban city, Washington DC, Detroit, New Orleans. Charlotte now joins this fine list of cities of distinction.

cedarposts wrote on 11/18/2009 10:31:51 PM:

Just shining up the same old horse. Nothing has changed at DSS and its been a known issue for at least 2 years.

But it's coming the Badger is digging, and you'll be surprised what turns up.

mchhgl2 wrote on 11/18/2009 05:42:38 PM:

Can you say crack?

rfenton231 wrote on 11/18/2009 02:40:20 PM:

What a joke! After months of investigation (and no one knows the cost of the investigation) still no clue to what is going on. Haven't seen anyone terminated for incompetence and we are giving the guy in charge of the city a bonus. This is just like the government bail out. And the city government wants to raise our taxes to pay for services. They need to get the house in order.

tnengr wrote on 11/10/2009 11:39:41 PM:

The $162,000 is the tip of the iceberg. According to one comment Jones daughter works at DSS. Is this the reason he got so defensive? Is she involved some way? Lets hope not.

macmonster49 wrote on 11/10/2009 11:26:04 PM:


- Where is the money?
- Who are the people involved?
- Why are they still employed?
- What criminal charges have been filed?
- Who are the detectives working on this theft of public property?
- Where is Peter Gilchirst?
- Why does it appear that there is an obvious attempt to sweep this under the rug?
- This is a huge story...DO NOT LET THIS DROP!!!

Thank you!

carolynnty wrote on 11/10/2009 08:04:11 PM:

I used to support affirmative action, but don't the top folks as DSS, like the UW, realize this kind of stonewalling simply reinforces the stereotype?

JT_Lancer wrote on 11/09/2009 09:54:14 PM:

Ho hum. Just another corrupt, unaccountable state-run organization engaging in questionable spending tactics.

Nothing new to see here, folks. Just move along. And be sure to keep paying your taxes and keep supporting these crooks by voting.

b6542 wrote on 11/09/2009 07:21:04 PM:

Welcome to business as usual in the ATL

anitabwilson wrote on 11/09/2009 06:42:34 PM:

This is why affirmative action does not work! Even if these people have the education credentials, it doesn't mean they can do the job. Please stop the Democrats from taking over Charlotte!

AUDIOMIND wrote on 11/09/2009 06:17:29 PM:

YOUR tax dollars hard at work. Welcome to the future.

expedition07 wrote on 11/09/2009 05:41:24 PM:

Replying to csrin (11/09/2009 04:43:24 PM):
""No one has been charged in an ongoing police investigation"(DOESN'T CHIEF RODNEY KINGS DAUGHTER WORK FOR DSS) and a county report says officials cannot be certain where the money went(DOESN"T COUNTY MANAGER JONES DAUGHTER WORK AT DSS AND ANTHONY FOXX"S WIFE?).":

So are your accusations stating these individuals took the money ... or are you making public information, more public?

Tony wrote on 11/09/2009 04:36:19 PM:

Well... let's give Jones another bonus for the fine job he did. Toss in a couple of thousand for Wilson, too. After all, it's never the head of the department's fault, right?

clttys wrote on 11/09/2009 04:23:26 PM:

Replying to thevorlon (11/09/2009 04:14:52 PM):
"Nope...not a banana republic - a banana republic has more organization. This is low-level kleptocracy managed by left wing nuts. The PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF CHARLOTTE (PDSRC)":

Well-said,,,I'm kleptoing your phrase.

santa_claus wrote on 11/09/2009 04:15:43 PM:

Goes to show how efficient our government is. For every $1 they have to spend, after paying salaries and their crack habits, $.03 cents or less goes to actually doing work.

thevorlon wrote on 11/09/2009 04:14:52 PM:

Replying to clttys (11/09/2009 04:05:14 PM):
"Won't happen, unless the feds get involved....not in this bannana republic.":

Nope...not a banana republic - a banana republic has more organization. This is low-level kleptocracy managed by left wing nuts. The PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF CHARLOTTE (PDSRC)

clttys wrote on 11/09/2009 04:05:14 PM:

Replying to hairscrambler (11/09/2009 03:43:51 PM):
"I surely hope these workers are prosecuted for stealing.":

Won't happen, unless the feds get involved....not in this bannana republic.

clttys wrote on 11/09/2009 04:03:50 PM:

I still wait for Tommy Tomlinson to write a commentary on this, since he shilled the deal for all those years. What kind of due diligence did he conduct to peddle the program? He is a trusted, long-time CLTObsrvr columnist. Who better to comment?

hairscrambler wrote on 11/09/2009 03:43:51 PM:

I surely hope these workers are prosecuted for stealing.

jake22 wrote on 11/09/2009 03:33:20 PM:

In 2004, Easley made deep cuts into the States Auditors budget. He was warned then by both parties that the door was open for corruption. United Way, DSS, how many more are flying under ther radar?

SmallerGov wrote on 11/09/2009 03:29:59 PM:

You want to know how the mystery of the missing money can be cleared up? A proper investigation by an outside agency.

diggndeeper wrote on 11/09/2009 03:13:20 PM:

Oh yea, Harry Jones needs to run out town on a rail for sending the email to that person's employer obviously trying to get that person fired from their job.

stratman wrote on 11/09/2009 03:12:22 PM:

something smells really bad here.....almost as bad as the Mike & Co. Sleazly Show.

diggndeeper wrote on 11/09/2009 03:11:02 PM:

It looks like DSS is trying to draw this out in hopes some county commissioners will get voted out next year. I know Gilchrist is incompetent to investigate and prosecute for this. I wonder if the SBI is immune to the state democrats and could do something about it.

tnengr wrote on 11/09/2009 02:53:33 PM:

Replying to JazzyJ (11/09/2009 02:31:28 PM):
"You need to quit with all your hating!":

It is not hate when you point out criminal activity that goes unpunished is it. This is not about race it is about stealing.

rubytues wrote on 11/09/2009 02:48:23 PM:

so...why did people get reimbursed without providing receipts

At my job anything over $25 we have to have a receipt for or it comes out of our own little pocket.

seems simple enough

musson wrote on 11/09/2009 02:33:07 PM:

Replying to gooofigure (11/09/2009 01:30:44 AM):
"GW Bush and Palin was 2009. Can't get more current than that. One created today's mess; the other quit. Both non-Black/Asian/Hispanic in leadership. Who has controlled this mess of a USA for 233 years?":

Maybe Bush and Obama split the money?

Grow up and get real - or quit posting here.

JazzyJ wrote on 11/09/2009 02:31:28 PM:

Replying to apoIIo21 (11/08/2009 09:47:23 PM):
"This is the same corrupt County employee that hired our now Mayor Anthony " The Fixx is in" Foxx's wife when there was a hiring freeze.

From WCNC:

DSS hired Samara Foxx, the wife of at-large councilman and mayoral candidate Anthony Foxx, last July.
Her salary as Division Director...":

You need to quit with all your hating!

Hotwing49 wrote on 11/09/2009 02:10:44 PM:

King, Mackey, Foxx?

eugenix4u wrote on 11/09/2009 11:26:45 AM:

When I worked for a non profit under the united way, part of my job was to write thank you notes to people that donated money. When we received cash, I would have to turn it over to the director. I was told that she wrote the thank you notes for the cash gifts. She kept the money. She also had a check book and checks that required two signatures. Hers and the other was a signature stamp. My point being, all charties need to be looked at in the state of NC. When you donate, be sure to write a check and make sure it is deposited into an agency bank account.

apoIIo21 wrote on 11/08/2009 10:13:19 PM:

Replying to american_man (11/08/2009 10:04:54 PM):
"Makes you go "hmmmmm...."": does....Foxx, Mackey, Black, Ballance, Easley, difference...

american_man wrote on 11/08/2009 10:04:54 PM:

Replying to apoIIo21 (11/08/2009 09:47:23 PM):
"This is the same corrupt County employee that hired our now Mayor Anthony " The Fixx is in" Foxx's wife when there was a hiring freeze.

From WCNC:

DSS hired Samara Foxx, the wife of at-large councilman and mayoral candidate Anthony Foxx, last July.
Her salary as Division Director...":

Makes you go "hmmmmm...."

american_man wrote on 11/08/2009 10:03:51 PM:

Sounds like the same situation Bev Perdue had while Lt Governor. $400,000 was just missing. Why didn't that show up in her primaries or debates?? While her constituency is preaching maintaining jobs in this state the jobs (mostly manufacturing) have been fleeing overseas for good with no replacements. When are people going to wise up?

apoIIo21 wrote on 11/08/2009 09:47:23 PM:

This is the same corrupt County employee that hired our now Mayor Anthony " The Fixx is in" Foxx's wife when there was a hiring freeze.

From WCNC:

DSS hired Samara Foxx, the wife of at-large councilman and mayoral candidate Anthony Foxx, last July.
Her salary as Division Director II was $100,000 a year.
Foxx's hiring raised questions among some DSS staffers since the position was posted on July 17 and taken down the very next day.

After DSS Director Mary E. Wilson gave Samara Foxx the job, Wilson's husband Cornell donated $4,000 -- the legal maximum -- to Anthony Foxx's mayoral campaign.

JT_Lancer wrote on 11/08/2009 09:46:37 PM:

Meck. Co. DSS - just another corrupt government bureaucracy.

Your tax dollars at work.

MyOpinionCounts wrote on 11/08/2009 04:36:21 PM:

Somebody's getting fired. Haaaaa! What a joke. Think of this, times 100, with the new stimulus plan. These con artist and convicts are running this division.

sharonbennett wrote on 11/08/2009 04:16:18 PM:

This is directly linked to DSS who lied in court to accommodate these goons!

That's ok, her take on that one is that Social Workers lie on the stand all the time.

I'm sure that she gave DSS one of the worst reputations singlehandedly by speaking for them and there are decent DSS employee's; please forgive me from defaming all of those who take their jobs seriously. This atrocity runs full circle and destroys the lives of children who count and grasp onto someone who can make some sense out of their little lives, but fails.

sharonbennett wrote on 11/08/2009 04:10:59 PM:

The DA never prosecuted the bribe attempt and had the nerve to publicly make comments as to his take on why he didn't. The judge recused herself, refused to put the order of recusal in file (hiding it), and our new chief judge Bell (then just ole regular Judge Bell) gave the perpetrators exactly what they wanted by throwing out all of the existing orders (which is against Rule 60); what attorneys wont do so that their client does not have to pay child support!

Personally I know for a fact that the DA's relationships with Lawyers are more important than doing his job. Go ahead and prove me wrong; take away my children, sentence me to jail...oh, sorry, you did that already. What's next?

mindreader wrote on 11/08/2009 04:07:26 PM:

Replying to napalminthemorning (11/08/2009 08:54:34 AM):
"The country is coming back from the brink of the disaster called Republican Rule, where a royal class and everybody else was very close to being set up. All the tax breaks, loopholes, DoD contracts and corporate welfare that was being spent, and still is, dwarfs every other program the current...":

The Country is in a DISASTER....Called the "Liberal Party"....

God Help us........

anotherreader wrote on 11/08/2009 04:05:29 PM:

The public's money went to the same place the United Way donor's money went. Into one very narrow, very corrupt, non-law-abiding part of the community. Same people who kill cops. Same people who when questioned never saw anything. Same people wresting political power from the nation little by little. God help us all.

sharonbennett wrote on 11/08/2009 04:03:41 PM:

Replying to Ghoul (11/08/2009 12:02:53 PM):
"I think you answered your own question: Why is the (Democrat) DA not prosecuting the bureaucrats (Democrats) at the local government level(controlled by Democrats), or the SBI (Governor and AG both Democrats) investigating. Let's say someone finds the smoking gun, turns it into Fox News (since the...":

The DA has been involved in cover up's in Charlotte since there was a bribe attempt on one of the Judges in 2002, from family court ($50,000).

hypocrite wrote on 11/08/2009 04:00:19 PM:

The issues about Mary Wilson hiring without going through the normal procedures happens throughout the organization. New employees are fast tracked to promotions while long time employees are told they need to interview.

Where is the accountability? Harry wasn't held responsible for the DSS mess and no one else was either. Why are people surprised by this? That is standard practice in the County.

hypocrite wrote on 11/08/2009 03:57:32 PM:

These emails bring a lot of questions to bare. Was there documentation of Ms. Wilson's allegations against Ms. Johnson? When new Directors are hired there is a tendancy to clean house and get your own management in place.
Is this the case with Ms Wilson?

How in the world did the Commissioners give Harry the $38,000 bonus with all of these problems? Not only with the DSS issues but with the threat of losing the coveted AAA bond rating and his complete failure of being prepared for the economic flatline. He reacts after the fact and never before.

Also the Commissioners said the bonus was just to keep him at what he got paid last year. Every employee is getting paid less then THEY did last year (with benefit changes).

Harry emailed BofA when a citizen sent an email about his concerns due to the DSS funding issues. Not the man but the head of BofA, his employer. RETAILIATION anyone? But then he supports retailiation in his management team so it stands to reason.

GGmoney wrote on 11/08/2009 03:00:59 PM:

This is no different than the local, State, and National Gov stealing from the Taxpayer. I'm a republican and I wasn't that upset that Obama won as I started to believe his Change motto. After all, that is what we need and everyone knows it.
Turns out, Obama is a Joke and his Change is for the worse!

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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, Carolina Politics Online, Wikipedia,, Google Maps

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