(Pelosi addresses the NRCC's Sexist remarks: "I'm in my place".)
Dem: House GOP is "80 percent male, 100 percent white"
The National Republican Congressional Committee is urging Gen. Stanley McChrystal to put House Speaker Nancy Pelosi "in her place" for weighing in on Afghanistan -- prompting one female Pelosi ally to blast the House GOP as "80 percent male," "100 percent white" -- and completely out of touch.
On Monday night, Pelosi told Charlie Rose "should go up the line of command" instead of publicly opining on strategy -- prompting a swift, sneering reaction from the GOP committee.
Mocking the first female speaker as "General Pelosi," an NRCC spokesman wrote, "If Nancy Pelosi’s failed economic policies are any indicator of the effect she may have on Afghanistan, taxpayers can only hope McChrystal is able to put her in her place."
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), who is close to Pelosi, could barely contain her anger.
"I think the place for a woman is at the top of the House of Representatives," said Wasserman Schultz.
"It's evidence they long for the days when a woman's place was in the kitchen. Now a woman is third in line for the presidency... But it's not surprising, coming from a party that's 80 percent male and 100 percent white," she added, referring to the composition of the House GOP conference.
NRCC Spokesman Ken Spain was unrepentant, telling POLITICO that Pelosi is "playing out of her league," and questioned the reluctance of Democrats to call for McChrystal to testify in a hearing on the war.
Spain: "Spare us the lectures and mock-outrage. The Speaker of the House is taking on a highly decorated general who has outlined a strategy in Afghanistan that she once claimed to advocate... [S]he’s playing out of her league and she knows it.”
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Sources: Politico, Google Maps

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