Okay folks by now many of you know that the Charlotte Observer has officially announced its endorsement of Charlotte Mayoral Candidate Anthony Foxx (Democrat).
Am I surprised? No.
The Charlotte Observer has historically endorsed Democrat Candidates for Public Office more so than Republicans.
I didn't say this publication NEVER endorses Republicans. I said historically it tends to lean more so towards Democrats.
Thus I wasn't surprised when they announced their support for Anthony Foxx.
Regardless of the CO's endorsement, my support for Republican Mayoral Candidate John Lassiter remains strong.
Nevertheless I'm sort of disappointed at Lassiter's Campaign Manager, Perry Lucas.
I've had the pleasure of communicating with Ms. Lucas via e-mail.
Although I've never met her in person, she was very nice and professional (tone of her responses) but something definitely needed to help John Lassiter win this race is missing in her personality.
Ms. Lucas seems to be a nice, Southern lady who doesn't allow herself to become easily offended.
Nothing wrong with those Character traits however this is a Political race not a Beauty Pageant. (No Offense)
During Political Races a little fire in one's blood doesn't hurt.
Ms. Lucas' lack of "fire" is hurting Lassiter's campaign.
While I along with many other Constituents may find Lassiter to be a better candidate for Charlotte's next Mayor, this victory isn't just going to fall in Lassiter's lap.
Foxx is gaining momentum because he's hungry for this victory.
Do I think that Foxx would make a better Mayor than Lassiter? No but he's hungry.
Charlotte is facing one of the most critical Economic downturns since the Great Depression.
Lassiter as a Successful Small Business Expert could be just what Charlotte needs to steer this city out of Financial Despair but his Campaign Manager hasn't allowed Voters to see Lassiter's expertise in this area.
Nor much of anything else for that matter because she's protecting him.
No doubt Foxx is going to pick up supporters who are going to vote for him just because he's a Democrat and Black, same as Lassiter is going to pick up supporters who will vote for him along Republican Partisan lines and because he's White.
No biggie on this one.
Where the rubber meets the road is when a Democrat chooses to vote for a Republican, when a Republican chooses to vote for a Democrat and when Independents go to cast their ballots.
The ability to reach voters outside of one's Political Party, outside of one's race and reach Independents requires an Extremely Persuasive voice. One that can communicate an Interesting Message.
Which is why Foxx who several weeks ago was trailing Lassiter, is now gaining ground.
His communication skills and his hunger.
However all isn't lost and there is still time for Lassiter to bounce back but only if he does these 4 things:
1) Start giving the right answers. Lassiter can't just communicate with the Wealthy White crowd. He has to reach out (when communicating) with all of Charlotte.
This doesn't mean we expect him to lie because I don't believe that Foxx is going to do half of what he says he going to do.
I mean come on Foxx hasn't really done anything in four years as an At-Large City Council Member, so I surely don't expect him to do anything more if he's elected Mayor.
Nevertheless Lassiter needs to be more engaged and communicate his Ideas and Vision clearly, while not letting Foxx get under his skin.
2) Lassiter needs to stop leaving all of his campaigning to his Campaign Manager Perry Lucas and make HIMSELF more accessible.
Shake hands more, do some neighborhood tours (not just the Wealthy communities), ride the train and talk to people, etc., Get out among the Constituents!
Show the Voters that he really cares.
If not the voters are going to think he too busy to become Charlotte's next Mayor.
3) Lassiter needs to get hungry, actually he needs show that he's Starving to become Charlotte's next Mayor.
4) Last but certainly NOT least, Lassiter needs to get some FIRE in his belly.
Show the Voters that he is the one best suited to become Charlotte's next Mayor versus his opponent.
This is a race. Its a Contest! There is no gray area.
Its not about Race.
Its not about Age.
Its not about Political Affiliation.
Its not about Polls.
Its not even about who has raised the most Campaign money.
Instead its about genuinely caring for your Constituents (from the heart) and being Hungry enough to Win.
So Hungry you will eat, sleep and think Victory until crossing the finish line.
Either Lassiter wants to win or he doesn't.
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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, Daily Kos, Charlotte Biz Journal, Public Polling Policy, Charmeck.org, Charlotte Conservative.com, Google Maps

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