White House not looking for "soft landing" for Paterson
An Obama administration source denies reports that the White House has been looking for a "soft landing" for embattled New York Gov. David Paterson — but says Paterson hasn't flatly refused to remove himself from the race, though he is being coy about his plans.
Informed sources tell CNN that White House political director Patrick Gaspard met early last week with the Democratic governor to let him know about the administration's concerns he could not win the governor's race next year — a problem that could affect races down-ticket, not the least of which Senate seat now held by Kirsten Gillibrand. The White House decision to approach Paterson, says one source, "was driven by the poll numbers. There doesn't seem to be any way he can recover."
CNN has also learned that New York Sen. Chuck Schumer met with the president last month, and that the fate of the governor's race may have been one topic of conversation.
Polls show that Paterson's approval numbers are low — and dropping fast. In recent polls, just one in five voters approved of the job he'd been doing as governor. The same surveys indicated he'd lose in a matchup against former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo — who has assiduously avoided weighing in on the Paterson controversy — is clearly waiting in the wings, his approval ratings skyrocketing as he aggressively takes on Wall Street. "Every banker Cuomo indicts, the more popular he gets," says one Democratic strategist.
Even so, New York Rep. Jose Serrano told CNN, "if the White House has issues with a Democratic governor, there are ways to do that. Going public and embarrassing our governor doesn't make any sense." Particularly, Serrano adds, since the two met had to meet in New York today. It must be, he added, "the most uncomfortable situation either has faced in a long time."
NY Times Op-Ed: What Obama Said to Paterson, Maybe
President Obama walked down from Air Force One after his plane landed shortly before 11 a.m. Monday. He and Gov. David A. Paterson exchanged a brief greeting. They shook hands. Mr. Obama gave Mr. Paterson a half-embrace, then whispered into his ear for a few seconds. It was impossible for anyone nearby to hear over the roar of the engines.
— NYTimes.com, Sept. 21
The tarmac at Albany International Airport.
GOV. DAVID A. PATERSON Why are you trying to ruin my life?
MR. OBAMA David. ...
MR. PATERSON Joking. Kind of. Do I smell cigarettes?
MR. OBAMA We don’t have a lot of time here, so I just want to make clear that the best thing for the party — and you, ultimately — is not to run.
MR. PATERSON You know what this reminds me of? Remember the end of “Lost in Translation,” when Bill Murray’s character whispers into Scarlett Johansson’s ear?
MR. OBAMA I do, yes.
MR. PATERSON No one knows what he said, right? It was a big deal at the time. But I think I know what he said.
MR. PATERSON I think he said, “Scarlett, if you ever change your name to David Paterson, make sure you run for governor.”
MR. OBAMA Why are we still hugging?
MR. PATERSON It’s nice to hug sometimes. It’s nice to just stand here and sort of hold each other awkwardly. Like the end of a first date. What song’s in your head right now?
MR. OBAMA Ahhh. ... I’m not sure. Something by Journey. I forget the name.
MR. PATERSON Me, too. That’s so weird. Do you remember your dreams?
MR. OBAMA Sometimes.
MR. PATERSON Me, too! We have so much in common.
Mr. OBAMA Ahhh. ...
MR. PATERSON O.K., let’s say hypothetically that I do win the election.
MR. OBAMA You’re not going to win the election.
MR. PATERSON But hypothetically. ...
MR. OBAMA It’s not going to happen because you’re not going to run.
MR. PATERSON I’m going to start screaming.
MR. OBAMA O.K., hypothetically.
MR. PATERSON Hypothetically, what if I came to work for you?
MR. OBAMA As what?
MR. PATERSON Governor?
MR. OBAMA I don’t really have a position like that open.
MR. PATERSON Do you feel that I might be a kind of freelancer, simply sitting in on meetings, perhaps speaking to the press, traveling on your plane?
MR. OBAMA No. David, at some point you have to stop holding me.
MR. PATERSON We’re similar in so many ways, don’t you think?
MR. OBAMA Not so much.
MR. PATERSON I have the Lionel Ritchie song “Endless Love” in my head now.
MR. OBAMA That’s great. Look. David. I have to go. Announce you’re not going to run. We’ll figure something out.
MR. PATERSON Give me a sign of what you’re thinking.
MR. OBAMA Announce that you’re not going to run.
MR. PATERSON I’m hearing you say I should run.
MR. OBAMA Let me be very clear. You should not run. I will disavow you and put all the pressure of the Office of the President behind a different candidate.
MR. PATERSON Then it’s settled. I’ll run.
MR. OBAMA Oh, look! My car’s here.
MR. PATERSON What’s it like having your own plane?
MR. OBAMA Best of luck to you, David.
MR. PATERSON Do you have time for a coffee?
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Sources: CNN, NY Times, Whitehouse.gov, Google Maps

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