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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Protester Mayhem At G20 Pittsburgh Summit...Police Use Tear Gas

Teargas used on protesters at G20 summit in Pittsburgh

Police used teargas in clashes with protesters as leaders gathered at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh tonight.

About 300 protesters attended the march, which was not authorised by the city police. Police numbered several hundred.

Protesters rolled trash bins toward police and officers fired teargas in return. Some protesters used pallets and corrugated steel to block a road.

Protesters exposed to the gas were coughing, complaining of eyes watering and stinging.

The march does not have a city permit and police have declared it an unlawful assembly.

Several hundred protesters, many loudly denouncing capitalism, had been trying to march toward the site of the summit.

The group split into smaller groups after being confronted by police.

The gathering of G20 nations represents 90% of the world's economic output and two thirds of the global population. Leaders were greeted by huge signs declaring "Pittsburgh welcomes the world" in multiple languages.

On the city's heavily fortified streets, soldiers in armoured Humvees were posted at most major junctions and scores of shops, restaurants and businesses were boarded up. The city's downtown area, known as the "golden triangle", was virtually deserted with most local people opting to stay home from work.

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Sources:, WTAE, Google Maps

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