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Sunday, July 5, 2009

WTF?? B. Kristol Compares Palin's Political Experience With Pres. Obama's ("Its On Par")


Weekly Standard Editor Bill Kristol, who's emerged as one of Sarah Palin's highest profile conservative boosters, defended the Alaska governor's decision to step down today in a panel appearance on "Fox News Sunday," and compared her level of experience to that of Barack Obama, who served less that one full term in the Senate before being elected president.

Kristol, who argued that Obama had markedly limited accomplishments in his brief time in the Senate before kicking off his presidential run, said, "In 2004, Obama had given one good speech at the Democratic convention. And Palin gave one good speech in 2008."

Palin, said, Kristol, is making a sound decision in "a world where people don't value years of experience in Washington, or even conceivably two terms as governor of Alaska."

"It's high risk," he said of Palin's move to resign her office after serving less than one full term. "She's really all-in here. She has no safety net." Comparing her team's national experience unfavorably to those of Bush, McCain and Romney, he said that it will also come down to Palin's personal appeal and talents: "She's really just getting out there and it's going to depend on her talents and abilities."

Kristol added: "I do think the attacks were amazing. She had been the object of more hated, I would say, and more hatred thats been accepted by the mainstream media than any politician I could remember."

Assessing the movie, he concluded, "She had had an interesting political career and I don't rule her out. The odds are against her, but the odds were against her anyway."

Sources: Politico, Weekly Standard, Huffington Post, Fox News Sunday

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