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Friday, July 3, 2009

Rep. Joe Wilson Calls For Sanford's Resignation Too....SLED Claims Sanford's Records Are Clean (Baloney!)



Are you referring to the South Carolina State Law Enforcement Division?

Are you kidding? Isn't Sanford still the Governor of South Carolina?

If Sanford's financial records were really "clean" then why pray tell is he reimbursing the State of SC?

Why not allow an independent audit to be conducted on his financial records or why not turn those records over to the Feds?

Better yet why won't he release those records to the Press?

Gov. Sanford is choosing not to step down because somewhere deep down in his heart he believes he's superior, entitled and above the law.

He's also extremely Selfish and Narcissistic. He made his bed but he doesn't want to lie in it.

Sanford doesn't care about his wife's feelings, his kids' feelings, South Carolina's reputation, the duty of the Governor's office, etc.,

No, he just cares about himself.

Which is exactly why he needs to give it up and step down with dignity rather than be dragged out of Public Office.

Going forward he should also seek some Mental Health Counseling from a REAL, Objective Mental Health Professional NOT family friends.

If not Sanford will be well deserving of his fate because.....

sooner or later every dog has his day.

Sanford if you really care anything about the people of South Carolina or the G.O.P., then please end this sad saga like a Man and step down.


Rep. Joe Wilson, a Columbia-area Republican congressman, Thursday urged Gov. Mark Sanford to resign, according to a source close to Wilson.

Wilson spoke to Sanford on the phone after the embattled governor reached out to him.

Wilson, a retired Colonel in the National Guard, approached the issue from a military perspective, said the source that disclosed the call.

"The governor left his post," said the Wilson source. "To just walk away was not appropriate."

Wilson is now the second member of the state's Republican Congressional delegation to indicate he'd like Sanford to resign. Gresham Barrett, an upstate congressman and 2010 gubernatorial candidate, went public Wednesday night with his desire that the governor step down.

But Wilson, who harbors no immediate statewide ambitions, may be the better barometer for gauging the feelings of the Republican Establishment, many members of which now want Sanford out.

A down-the-line Conservative who minds the state's many military interests on the Armed Services Committee, Wilson has been in Congress since winning a special election in 2001. Before that, he served for 17 years in the state Senate and did stints for South Carolina Republicans, including former Sen. Strom Thurmond.

Wilson is a fairly cautious politician, often avoiding the bare-knuckled battles between Palmetto State Republicans. He avoided endorsing a presidential candidate last year until after his state's high-stakes primary, only then coming out for John McCain, who won both the state and Wilson's heavily-Conservative Lexington County base.

SLED clears Sanford on financial questions (The Charlotte Observer)

COLUMBIA-- Gov. Mark Sanford used no taxpayer money to see his Argentine mistress during two visits to her country and three meetings in New York, S.C. law enforcement agents said Thursday.

Meanwhile, the embattled Republican dug in, brushing aside calls to resign and announcing he would spend the holiday weekend with his wife and sons in Florida, where his in-laws live. His spokesman said they hope to take a longer family vacation toward the end of the month.

“He remains committed and determined to repair the damage he has done in his marriage and to building back the trust of the people of South Carolina,” spokesman Joel Sawyer said.

Over the course of a two-day interview with The Associated Press this week, Sanford revealed he has seen Maria Belen Chapur, the Argentine woman he calls his soul mate, six times since they first met at an open air dance spot in Uruguay in 2001. He said the relationship turned physical when he saw her during a 2008 economic development trip to South America.

State Law Enforcement Division Chief Reggie Lloyd said agents were first checking into that trip and four others: two trysts in New York; a meeting in New York City that was attended by a spiritual adviser and was meant to be their last; and the secret trip to Argentina from which Sanford returned last week after his puzzling absence from the state. His staff had said he was hiking the Appalachian Trail, and he later apologized for misleading them.

After Sanford told the AP about meeting Chapur in 2004 at a New York bistro, Lloyd said agents also asked for information about that.

“Out of an abundance of caution, we immediately called over to the governor's office,” Lloyd said.

He said the governor was fully cooperative and agents reviewed his personal financial records.

The governor said he plans to release his travel records to the media later. He has already given the state treasurer two personal checks totaling $3,300 to cover costs for the part of the 2008 economic development trip where he saw Chapur.

Sanford and Jenny, his wife of 20 years, have said they want to reconcile.

Sawyer would not say where the family will stay in Florida for the holiday weekend or where they will vacation.

Also Thursday, a publisher announced it has terminated Sanford's deal to write a book on fiscal conservatism. Spokesman Adrian Zackheim said the decision to drop the book titled “Within Our Means” was mutual between the governor and the publisher, Sentinel, a dedicated Conservative imprint within Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

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Sources: Politico, Charlotte Observer, The State, MSNBC, Wikipedia, Google Maps

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