Huffington Post----
From: Maria
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 4:26 PM
To: Mark Sanford
Subject: RE:
My beloved, (hope you also change the dearest ...)
I’am (sic) reading your last two mails sitting outside with a great seaview here in Ilhabela, a beautiful island near Sao Paulo. Have been thinking of you while watching the beautiful blue sea (a) great part of my day and remembering with a great smile on my face, the time we had spent together. As I told you before, you brought happiness and love to my life and (I) will take you forever in my heart. I wasn’t aware till we met last week, the strong feelings I had for you, and believe me, I haven’t felt this since I was in my teen ages, when afterwards I got married. I do love you, I can feel it in my heart, and although I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to meet again this has been the best that has happened to me in a long time You made me realized (sic) how you feel when you realy (sic) love somebody and how much you want to be beside the beloved. Last Friday I would had stayed embrassing (sic) and kissing you forever.
Don’t know why you think you bore me with the description of your farm. I am an urban girl but that doesn’t inhibit me from loving other things, specially if they are the ones you love. I was able to imagine the place with every single detail you wrote and had trassmitted (sic) me the love you have for your farm. It sounds to be a great and peaceful place and loved you had shared it with me.
Thanks for your beautiful words, I don’t know if I do need or not therapy but I have to find my new place in this new stage of my life. Life has been very generous with me and I want to return at least a little bit of what I have been given. I have time and think helping others who haven’t been as lucky as me will do me fine.
My address is (deleted by The State). It will be great finding at home once I am back, whatever you send me, I’ll keep it near my bed so as to feel you nearer.
Miss you so much... love you from the deepest of my heart. Sweet kisses.
Subject: RE:
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2008 01:42:46 -0400
Beloved back to you...
Got back an hour ago to civilization and am now in Columbia after what was for me a glorious break from reality down at the farm. No phones ringing and tangible evidence of a day’s labors. Though I have started every day by 6 this morning woke at 4:30, I guess since my body knew it was the last day, and I went out and ran the excavator with lights until the sun came up. To me, and I suspect no one else on earth, there is something wonderful about listening to country music playing in the cab, air conditioner running, the hum of a huge diesel engine in the background, the tranquility that comes with being in a virtual wilderness of trees and marsh, the day breaking and vibrant pink coming alive in the morning clouds — and getting to build something with each scoop of dirt. It is admittedly weird but one of my more favorite ways of escaping the norms, constant phone calls and formalities that go with the office — and it probably fits with my weakness in doing rather than being — though you opened up a new chapter last week wherein I was happy and content just being. Last point worth further discussion. Afternoon projects had me outside and by days (sic) end I pretty much looked like a homeless person ... but in this case a very content one. Enough about my love of heavy equipment and woods at sunrise ...
While I was getting exhausted with one project after another at Coosaw work week, you were basking (I’m certain gloriously) on the beach..
Sounds great, hope to hear more about what sounds a great spot.
Will now finally get some sleep and write you a longer note with a few more profound thoughts tomorrow or Wednesday. In the meantime I send my love and hope you know I am thinking of you.. M
P.S. I do not want to raise expectations, when I say I will send something insignificant I promise I will do as I say! It wont (sic) be worthy of bedside placement ... was just going to find the movie the Holiday as we had spoken of it last Thursday. Its music was pleasant and made me think of you — its mood and the notion of a holiday (wrapped up in our case over two days) certainly fit as well ... (though our visit in some ways for me was as well less of a holiday than it was uncovering and realization of some things and feelings that again are worth longer conversation)
Had also hoped to find the cd of a song that played as I was flying home and also20made (sic) me think of you. Who knows if I can find the music ... so all you may be stuck with is a long released movie — and if you put it by your bed I really be worried! Love you, good night and kisses back to you ...
María Belén Chapur has been identified as Mark Sanford's alleged mistress. Politico links to an Argentinian outlet that identifies the mother-of-two.
The media has been camped out by her apartment building near the Buenos Aires zoo. Maria Belen Chapur is 43 and has the two sons from a previous marriage.
Maria is described by a neighbor as a beautiful brunette who plays tennis, goes jogging, and has large eyes. It was previously, erroneously reported that she worked for an agriculture company.
The NYPost claims to have a Maria Belen Chapur photo.
Guanabee has also got the Maria Belen Chapur photo, seen here, and reports it is an authentic screengrab from a news video.
The video shows Chapur in New York City covering the 9/11 attacks as a reporter for Argentine TV station Canal America, reports McClatchy:
This much is known: Chapur worked as a journalist and translator of English for about a year for the Argentine television station Canal America, according to Gabriel Bartos, who was then a producer with Canal America. Bartos said that Chapur went to New York after the 9-11 attacks in 2001 to report for the station.
TMZ talked to a bar owner, who says he watched Sanford and Chapur kiss and cuddle over the weekend, and said Maria has green eyes, dirty blonde hair a "banging body."
A neighbor also described Sanford arriving at Chapur's apartment building late last week with a small sports bag.
Emails published in The State also are addressed to a woman named Maria.
Blackbook has unsourced information that Maria Belen Chapur went to the "posh St. Catherine's Moorlands School in the preppy Belgrano neighborhood, then graduated from the stodgy Universidad Católica Argentina with a degree in (wait for it) International Relations."
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Sources: Huffington Post, Politico, The State, Guanabee, Youtube, Google Maps

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