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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

President Obama Recognizes 2009 NCAA Champs At White House....Go Tarheels!.

Expressing his appreciation for North Carolina's NCAA Tarheel champs which made him proud, President Obama invited them all to the White House for a personal thank you.

To the entire team he quipped, "Congratulations on bringing Carolina its fifth National Championship."
"And more importantly, thanks for salvaging my bracket and vindicating me before the entire nation."

Upon choosing the Tarheels for his bracket during the NCAA tournaments in March, the president publicly encouraged the team to not embarrass him.

Making good on their promise to uphold his honor, they won their fifth championship.

As a presidential candidate while visiting North Carolina last year, he played against some of the team's members during an early morning game.

Stated President Obama to the beaming team, "Now, I did have a chance to play ball with this crew just over a year ago when I visited Chapel Hill. And I’m not sure whose luck rubbed off on who."
"I think there was just a good vibe going on there, because they’re now national champions and I’m now president."

Isn't it wonderful to know that as President Obama works diligently to reform our Educational system and Economy, he's making it possible for any eligible student to attend great schools like Chapel Hill regardless of their race or socio-economic status?

Go Tarheels!

President Obama hosts Tarheels Coach Roy William and his team the 2009 NCAA Champions, at the White House. Go Tarheels!

(President Obama completes his full bracket.)

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Sources: CBS News, NY Times, NBC Sports, CNN, Daylife, UNC Chapel Hill, ESPN, Youtube, Google Maps

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