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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pelosi is a G.O.P. Scapegoat! Release the CIA Briefings!....What About Health Care Reform??

Speaker Pelosi recently suggested during a Press Conference that the CIA Misled Congress in their Briefings on Weapons of Mass Destruction.

Is it possible the CIA could be capable of doing such a thing?

Let's just say it wouldn't be the first time now would it?

Why doesn't the CIA release some of the same Briefing documents shown to Congress and Speaker Pelosi?

Not for political gain but to prove that its possible the CIA did unintentionally by way of perhaps receiving inaccurate intelligence information, somehow misled Congress, former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and others et al.

For the record I don't believe Speaker Pelosi is lying. (Please no shoe throwing)

Why would she lie about something so critical to our nation's security?

At the moment Speaker Pelosi just happens to be the latest G.O.P. Smokescreen. Don't worry they'll think of another gimmick or find another scapegoat to use in the near future.

How sad.

Only a Wimpy Political Party with problems accepting Female Leadership, would choose a Woman to pick on to help pull itself out of the trenches.

Come on G.O.P. are you really that desperate? I'm not surprised however I am disappointed.

This is sure to backfire against the Republicans in some way.

Wait a minute! Isn't Palin a Woman too?

My support for Speaker Pelosi has not faltered. I'll continue to stand by her unless I see reason not to.

To date that reason does not exist.

Of course she was briefed regarding the nature of Enhanced Interrogation Techniques but I don't believe she was made fully aware of how inhumane those techniques were.

Let's be realistic before we start pointing fingers shall we?

Several years ago the entire country was still reeling and afraid of possible future Terror attacks.

Everyone desired a certain level of revenge in exchange for the lives lost on 9-11, both Democrats and Republicans alike.

This includes Speaker Pelosi.

As she mentioned during her speech on the House floor back in 2006, "Those individuals were not being prosecuted for just simply chewing gum. They committed heinous crimes."

However while making that same speech she also fervently urged Congress NOT to allow the use of Torture because it would be a direct violation of the Geneva Conventions Treaty.

This is just a stupid distraction meant to slow down President Obama's efforts on Health Care Reform.

Come on people let's stop hating on Nancy and quit fooling around. There are more important issues at hand which need our attention.

Ex: Health Care Reform, Stricter Regulations for the Banking/Financial Industry, Saving Homes, Homeowner Associations Regulation, Closing Failing Re-Segregated Schools, Public Education System Reform, Welfare System Reform, Help for Small Businesses, Law Enforcement Agency Reform, Illegal Immigration Reform, Creating Green Jobs and putting people back to work, etc.,

Need I say more??

(During a Press Conference Nancy Pelosi states CIA Misled Congress About Torture Methods.)

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Sources: MSNBC, Politico, Field Negro, Gawker, Flickr, Daylife, Google Groups, Google Maps, Youtube

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