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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Obama Administration Fights To Block Release Of Gitmo "Torture Gate" Photos

The Obama administration is working diligently to reverse a previous decision regarding the release of Gitmo Detainee photos, after hearing from commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan that the release of such pictures could greatly endanger the lives of American troops currently serving in those theaters.

Despite having permission from Federal Appeals judges to release the shocking yet embarrassing photographs which clearly showed proof of Prisoner Abuse at Gitmo, President Obama advised White House legal officials it would no longer be in the best interest of our Soldiers to continue with such plans.

Both Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Department of Defense Spokesman Geoff Morrell, have now expressed great concern regarding the matter.

Much debate has been made recently over the Interrogation techniques authorized by former President Bush's administration.

Former Vice-President Dick Cheney and former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice have stated that the techniques used including Waterboarding, did not violate the Geneva Conventions Treaty because they were not considered to be Torture.

Amrit Singh, a staff attorney with the A.C.L.U., sued for release of the photos under the Freedom of Information Act.

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Sources: Huffington Post, Think Progress, MSNBC, NY Times, The Hill, Wikipedia, Flickr, Google Maps

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