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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Michelle Obama's U Merced Commencement Speech...Urges Students To Give Back

Today First Lady Michelle Obama delivered the Commencement speech at the University of California, Merced.

She encouraged the class's approximately 500 graduates to aim high and give back to their communities.

This is the school's first graduation since it opened in 2005.


"You know, I grew up in one of those communities with similar values. Like Merced, the South Side of Chicago is a community where people struggled financially, but worked hard, looked out for each other and rallied around their children. My father was a blue-collar worker, as you all know. My mother stayed at home to raise me and my brother. We were the first to graduate from college in our immediate family."

"I know that many of you out here are also the first in your families to achieve that distinction, as well. (Applause.) And as you know, being the first is often a big responsibility, particularly in a community that, like many others around our country at the moment, is struggling to cope with record high unemployment and foreclosure rates; a community where families are a single paycheck or an emergency room visit away from homelessness."

"And with jobs scarce, many of you may be considering leaving town with your diploma in hand. And it wouldn't be unreasonable. For those of you who come from communities facing similar economic hardships, you may also be wondering how you'll build decent lives for yourselves if you choose to return to those communities."

"But I would encourage you to call upon the same hope and hard work that brought you to this day. Call upon that optimism and tenacity that built the University of California at Merced to invest in the future of Merced in your own home towns all across this country. By using what you have learned here, you can shorten the path perhaps for kids who may not see a path at all."

First Lady Michelle Obama gives Commencement Speech At University Of California - Merced. Part I

Part II

Part III

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Sources: Huffington Post, CNN, Day Life, Youtube, Google Maps

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