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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dick Cheney Endorses Rush Limbaugh, Slams Colin Powell...Recipe for G.O.P. Failure

This morning on CBS's Face the Nation, former V.P. Dick Cheney (R) made a shocking statement which helps to further explain why the G.O.P.'s image is so screwed up.

In front of millions of viewers Cheney stated to host Bob Schieffer,
"Well if I had to choose in terms of being a Republican, I’d go with Rush Limbaugh."
"My take on it was Colin had already left the party."
"I didn't know he was still a Republican."

When Schieffer called him on having made such a boneheaded comment, he bore reference to Powell's decision of endorsing President Obama last Fall.

He went on to say, "I assume that, that’s some indication of his loyalty and his interest."

Having viewed that segment of the program I'm not surprised Cheney feels this way about Powell, however I am puzzled as to why this man doesn't think such polarizing comments won't in fact help bring more destruction upon the G.O.P.

Perhaps Dick Cheney wasn't aware that instead of coming across as a stable, intelligent leader during his appearance on "Face the Nation", he came off as a bitter, jealous, confused, old man.

In addition has anyone noticed how former President George W. Bush remains mum on both Rush Limbaugh and Dick Cheney?

While one can assume that some of Bush's silence could be due to his extremely low polls ratings since leaving office, he's still a Republican Leader (sort of). Thus his silence is significant.

Hopefully all will agree that Cheney's obvious, harsh dislike for Colin Powell, his praise for Rush and his preference of more Conservatism, spells nothing but absolute ruin for the G.O.P.

Faced with a crumbling legacy and no real appointed leader, the Republican party doesn't need anyone to create a greater divide or participate in activities which will place more doubt in the minds of American Voters regarding the future of the G.O.P.

Here is where the rubber meets the road for Republicans:

Cheney + Rush + Palin + Steele + Refusing to adapt + Resistance of Change = Failure and Irrelevancy.

Broad acceptance of Moderates + New sensible ideas + Younger, open-minded leaders + Less bashing of the Democrats + More Minorities = Possible Comeback or Possible Success.

(Check out Cheney uttering his famously foolish, negative comments about Colin Powell.)

Colin Powell endorses then Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama on "Meet the Press" with David Gregory.

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Sources: CBS News, "Face the Nation", MSNBC, "Meet the Press", Politico, TPM, CNN, Youtube, Google Maps

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