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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Charlotte's 2009 Mayoral Race Politricks Runs CATS Chief Out Of Town!

The Charlotte Observer recently reports Charlotte's Public Mass Transportation Chief (CATS) Keith Parker is leaving for another job.

Let's face it Keith Parker isn't just leaving for professional purposes, he's actually being run out of town by drama and backlash stemming from Charlotte's upcoming Mayoral race.

If you recall I published a post roughly one month ago titled "Charlotte's 2009 Mayoral Race Is On!".

In that post I mentioned the declared candidates, At-Large Charlotte City Councilman John Lassiter (R) and At-Large Charlotte City Councilman Anthony Foxx (D).

Lassiter currently carries the most experience (16 years) both on a grassroots level as it relates to reaching constituents and in understanding how effective government works.

Foxx (4 years) appears to be sincere in his efforts to become Charlotte's next Mayor, however with the exception of working to get more Stimulus money, he hasn't laid out a clear vision for Charlotte's future.

Both candidates have expressed a keen desire to ensure Charlotte's Public Transportation system especially in the area of Light Rail, will continue to meet the needs of a large growing Metropolitan city.

However communicating those desires to Charlotte voters is where the two candidates' leadership styles differ.

For years due to regional jealousy and lack of understanding how a Metropolitan city is supposed to properly handle growth, North Carolina's Dept of Transportation has short-changed Charlotte when it comes providing funds for Roads, Highways and Light Rail.

Charlotte is currently the ONLY city in North Carolina with a Light Rail System.

Yet that municipality receives basically very little money from Raleigh to help maintain or further develop this mode of Modern Transportation.

Two years ago Charlotte citizens voted for a half-cents Transit Tax largely advertised by our local media (the Charlotte Observer, Radio, etc.,).

Since our country was not experiencing a Recession at that time, a half-cents tax seemed to be enough revenue required to fully develop and build a state-of-the-art, expanded Light Rail system.

No one was paying attention to the Economic "elephant in the room", Charlotte's failing Banking Industry (Wachovia, now BOFA).

No one especially not the country bumpkin local Charlotte media, had the foresight to prepare residents for a possible stock market crash.

Fast forward to 2009, as it stands the half-cents tax can't provide enough money to help pay for Light Rail expansion.

Even if Charlotte receives more Stimulus money, the city stills fall short of what it needs to fund such a vital Transportation project.

Democrat Mayoral candidate Anthony Foxx didn't think it was prudent to ask Raleigh why our state's DOT Equity formula was so screwed up.

For some reason Foxx thought questioning DOT officials would anger a few of the Legislators he was perhaps trying to impress, even if it meant that by not questioning them he would place Charlotte's voters at a greater disadvantage...for Transportation.

Republican candidate Lassiter expressed that we should in fact question state DOT officials about the unfair Equity Formula.

As a result of FINALLY questioning state officials, NC Secretary of Transportation Conti shared with reporters that the state's Transportation Equity Formula is indeed extremely flawed.

Maybe this explains why Charlotte a city of more than 1 million residents often receives less funding for roads, highways, buses, trains, etc., than a NC city with about 100,000 citizens.

So much for not inquiring about the state's DOT Equity formula right?

Fast forward once again...

Foxx who now sits on the MUMPO committee (Mecklenburg Union Planning Organization) which helps make all major Transportation decisions for the Charlotte-Mecklenburg region, appears to be attempting to sway the committee's decision-making process regarding more funding for Light Rail, roads, highways, etc., in his favor to win Charlotte's Mayoral race.

How so?

First it seems he tried to block anyone (including Mayor Pat McCrory a Republican) from going over his head to question state DOT officials about the Equity Formula.

You see Foxx initially strongly discouraged Mayor McCrory from questioning NC state DOT officials, however later he grabbed that opportunity and received Talking Points for doing so.

Second he appears to be preventing any future plans for additional Light Rail expansion in Charlotte-Mecklenburg while on McCrory's watch.

Its as if he is trying to wait until he becomes Mayor to really push for more funding to expand Charlotte's Light Rail system, properly provide funding the City Buses and complete local highway projects.

Recently the opportunity arose for both candidates to express whether or not another half-cents tax should be imposed upon constituents to help fund and complete Charlotte's Transportation projects.

Both Lassiter and Foxx sat quiet for a while on this issue. Each waiting on the other to make the first move.

Finally after keeping Charlotte's constituents on the edge of their seats Lassiter succumbs to pressure and speaks up first, foolishly suggesting that local leaders ask voters for another tax increase.

Now he's being labeled as a candidate who just wants to Tax Charlotteans to death, in a Recession no doubt!

Meanwhile Foxx looks like a hero who really cares about the financial welfare of ALL Charlotteans. (Don't count on it!)

Boy how did Lassiter fall for that old trick?? Foxx appears to be a master at the "Bait and Switch" game. Perhaps that's how he plans to whip Lassiter.

Sidebar: While we're on the subject, is it me or has anyone else noticed that Lassiter appears to have lost focus about the Mayoral race?

CATS Chief Keith Parker apparently tired of being tossed back and forth between Foxx and Lassiter or tired of having his office used for personal political gain, decided to bounce!

He took a job as the new Transportation Chief in San Antonio, Tx.

Let's see Parker is leaving a city where Light Rail exists to work in one where it doesn't?

Can you blame him?? (Hint, Hint to Charlotte's Political leaders)

The Charlotte City Council including candidates Anthony Foxx and John Lassiter, are left with no plans, no money and a lot of angry constituents who want answers.

Politics is a dirty business. Many clueless people will vote for Foxx because they think he is a Barack Obama heir apparent. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

I suggest that each and every Charlottean regardless of their ethnicity, which community they live in or socio-economic status, carefully do a lot of research on each candidate prior to casting their ballots this Fall.

Charlotte's 2009 Mayoral race has just begun and its going to be a long, hot mudslinging Summer.

May the most qualified Candidate/ Leader win. Though hopefully not at the expense of Charlotte's future and best interest.

View Uptown Charlotte in a larger map

Sources: Charlotte Observer, Newsobserver, John, WCNC, WBTV, Paper Trail,, My San Antonio News, Charlotte Biz Journal, Google Maps

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