Members of the Congressional Black Caucus (including Mel Watt) (umm what's their purpose for existence again?) recently visited Cuba to meet with the country's leaders in hopes of mending/ re-opening Trade Policies or something like that.
Supposedly the Black Caucus wanted to assist President Obama with the United States' diplomatic efforts in loosening some of our current restrictions which prevents Trade and keeps Cubans off our borders. Or something like that.
Following talks with Cuban President Raul Castro (brother of Fidel), Congressional Black Caucus Chair Barbara Lee (D) of California informed the Media of how receptive Cuba's leaders appear to be for Change.
How wonderful. The Congressional Black Caucus decides to get up and do something noble to help keep their seats....hmmphf I mean help the Economy.
Sidebar: Wait a minute!
Aren't these some of the SAME Black Caucus Members who didn't really jump onboard Obama's train until he actually earned the required Delegates to become the Official Democratic Party Presidential Nominee?
In other words they lacked the vision to see the possibility of a Black Man becoming President of the United States of America.
Yes, they are one in the same.
After the dialogue with President Raul Castro, the Delegates informed the U.S. Media of how nice and well-organized Cuba appeared to be.
Well of course! Duh! Its a Communist Country being visited by American Politicians. Did you think they were going to show you all of the Negative, Government-controlled stuff?
In fact Cuban-American Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen expressed great disdain about the meeting. She also disapproved of the dialogue because the Delegates failed to meet with any Dissidents and Human Rights Activists during their visit.
The only caveat to this "successful" meeting of International Minds, was the releasing of a statement by Fidel (after the meetings) alleging one of the Delegates told him "despite President Obama's election, America is still a Racist Country". Gasp! Imagine such blasphemy, such propaganda being printed!
Of course Chairwoman Lee denies that any of the visiting members made such comments, at least not in her presence.
However....we all know the only person who may have spoken those words to the Castros. The Radical Bobby Rush! You know the outspoken Black Congressman from Illinois and a former member of the Black Panthers. Yep that's him!
Yes Bobby was in the midst because he accompanied the group to Cuba.
If anyone could have made such a statement to the Communist Leaders, it would have been Rush. So there Congresswoman Barbara Lee! Perhaps you better check yourself on that one before you deny it was ever mentioned to the Castros.
Now as it relates to U.S. Congressman Mel Watts a Democrat from Charlotte, this trip was obviously a campaign ploy strategically planned to do accomplish three things for him: 1) Strengthen his campaign by keeping him in the public's eyes, 2) Make his Constituents think he's REALLY doing something to earn their votes, 3) Make his Constituents think he's really doing something to earn his BIG Washington Bucks!
By the way where was good ole, handsome Mel when the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled to not allow anymore Gerrymandering to be used for NC Voting Districts?
Let's see the Lawsuit was filed in 2005, yet Watt seemingly did absolutely NOTHING to help ensure that his district which runs from Charlotte to High Point, remained a Pre-dominantly Minority Voting District.
The result of his doing absolutely NOTHING to help the North Carolina Black Vote remain strong, was a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court which rejected North Carolina's reasons for Racial Gerrymandering.
Good Ole Mel rode that "Easy Vote/ Easy Win Gravy Train" for about a decade.
He foolishly thought he could remain a U.S. Congressman without actually having to earn his Constituents' trust and votes, for maybe another ten years. Poor Mel, now he has to REALLY get off his behind and WORK to stay in public office.
Well at least it was nice while it lasted right Mel?
That trip to Cuba for Public Relations was a good try Mel but will it work??
We'll see during the next election.
CNN covers the Congressional Black Caucus's visit to Cuba.
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Sources: ABC News, Wikipedia, Carolina Politics Online, CNN Political Ticker, Needs of the Many, Politico, Huffington Post, MyDD, Fox News, Google Maps, Youtube
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