With news of a dangerous strain of the Swine Flu virus which has already killed 68 people and infected more than 1,000 causing widespread panic, one wonders if this is the result of regular Human illness or another Terrorist attack?
After two more cases of the virus thought to have been transmitted from Mexico, were recently confirmed in Kansas, samples of the H1N1 strain are now being tested by Center for Disease Control personnel.
The CDC is familiar with the H3N2 Swine Flu virus, but unfamiliar with the H1N1 Swine Flu virus strain currently circulating.
By definition the Swine Flu is a strain of the Human Flu virus mixed with Pig and Bird genes.
It can be treated with vaccines however for new strains such as H1N1, the development of an effective vaccine could possibly take months.
Cause for panic surrounding the outbreak is due to how quickly the flu is spreading. The epidemic is spreading so fast CDC officials have admitted its too late for U.S. Medical officials to control it.
The most vulnerable victims of H1N1 are young children and the elderly.
Mexican Government officials are cooperating with White House officials who at the moment are closely monitoring the spread, in efforts to help save lives.
To assist Mexican citizens officials have set up a Hotline, shut down all public events including Tourist attractions and closed schools.
In addition Mexican soldiers and Health Workers are passing out face masks.
Margaret Chan of the World Health Organization, states "the outbreak of the never-before-seen virus has “pandemic potential”, but she said it is still too early to tell if it would become a pandemic".
In 1918 a Spanish Flu strain spread killing more than 40 million people worldwide.
If this type of epidemic doesn't motivate Congress to please immediately begin reforming the American Health Care System, then what?
Fever, cough and sore throat, though some of the U.S. victims who recovered also experienced vomiting and diarrhea.
One has to wonder where did this unfamiliar strain originate from and how did it spread so rapidly? Could this latest Health Scare give rise for concern regarding another possible Terrorist attack in the form of Biological Warfare?
Let's hope not.
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Sources: TIME, MSNBC, Politico, Washington Post, Reuters, Huffington Post, Google Maps
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