Monday, April 26, 2010

Mel Watt & Harvey Gantt Endorse Ken Lewis, Political "Kiss Of Death"

Both Congressman Mel Watt & former Charlotte, NC Mayor Harvey Gantt have endorsed U.S. Senate Democrat Candidate Kenneth Lewis.

Let's see due to not giving a darn about his Lower Income & Middle Class N.C. Minority voters while catering heavily to Wealthy White constituents, Mel Watt is on his way out of Public Office.

Harvey Gantt (now an Architect) who also appears to only care about himself (and Elite friends) while Minority Youth continue to fail academically or are thrown into Mecklenburg county's jail by the thousands, will probably never return to Public Office either.

That said why would anyone want to support a political candidate endorsed by these two Pseudo, Scared, Self-Serving, Token Black "Leaders"?

Don't forget Harvey Gantt endorsed Mayor Anthony Foxx too.

The results:

Charlotte's Minority citizens (except Foxx's Elite friends) are being treated worse than when Charlotte had a Caucasian Mayor for 14 years.

Including ZERO support of Black Businesses!

(Actually I'm referring to Lower Income & Middle Class Minority citizens.)

In addition Charlotte's Crime rate has increased.

Thank God I did not vote for Anthony Foxx so his legalized Slavery type actions towards Charlotte's Black Community are not on my conscious.

So what's my point?

Considering the current negative sentiment from voters against Democrat candidates especially Black Candidates, I'd say whomever Gantt & Watt endorses just received the political "Kiss of Death".

The fact that these two characters support Lewis speaks miles about what kind of U.S. Senator he might be.

It will just be business as usual:

Low Income & Middle Class Minority voters treated like dirt and ignored, while North Carolina's Wealthy White & Black Elite constituents receive creme de' la creme services.

For the record I'm NOT opposed to all Black Political candidates.

Just most of North Carolina's Corrupt, Willie Lynch-minded Black "Public Servants".

By the way have you heard Ken Lewis speak out about North Carolina's Public Schools returning to Re-Segregation?

No and you never will!

Perhaps this explains why the Obama administration would rather back a White Democrat Candidate from North Carolina (Cal Cunningham) than a Black one.

Kenneth Lewis is a prime example of another scared Negro concerned only with fulfilling his Self-Interest, while catering to pre-dominantly White Special Interest groups.

Much like his buddies Harvey Gantt & Mel Gantt.

I'm sure both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X are rolling over in their graves right about now.

I strongly urge North Carolina's Minority voters to STOP electing Black Candidates just for the purpose of having Black Representation in City, County, State & Federal politics.

Start requiring them to earn the right to remain in office by representing people (ALL constituents not some) who give them their jobs.

Start requiring them to rejoin the struggle in this country for eliminating Racial Discrimination in the areas of Business Opportunities, Education, Employment, Health Care, Housing and Taxation.

If they refuse to deliver than DON'T elect them!

Check out the articles below on Harvey Gantt & Mel Watt's endorsement of Kenneth Lewis, than reach your own conclusions.

Mel Watt Endorses Lewis For U.S. Senate

Democratic U.S. Rep. Mel Watt has endorsed Ken Lewis for U.S. Senate.

"My friendship with Ken Lewis has afforded me a close up and personal opportunity to observe Ken's intellect, his values, his ability to communicate, the way he thinks and his commitment to things that are important to me, and things that I have found to be important to the people I represent," Watt said in a news release announcing the endorsement.

"Ken Lewis will bring new and diverse ideas and perspectives to public discussions, something that's sorely needed in the public discourse and something that's sorely needed in the United States Senate. The fact that Ken Lewis has not served in political office is, in my view, a benefit and not a shortcoming."

Watt, a Charlotte Democrat, was the former chairman of the Congressional
Black Caucus and was campaign manager for Harvey Gantt's 1990 U.S.
Senate campaign. The endorsement is the third for Lewis from major black political figures in the state. Lewis had previously received the endorsements of Democratic U.S. Rep. G.K. Butterfield and former Supreme Court Chief Justice Henry Frye.

"Mel has been at the forefront of the issues most important to both his district and the state of North Carolina," Lewis said in a news release. "From advocating for affordable housing and responsible lending to opposing the Iraq War, Mel has repeatedly demonstrated his remarkable leadership ability."

Harvey Gantt To Endorse Ken Lewis For U.S. Senate

Former Charlotte Mayor Harvey Gantt will endorse Democratic Senate candidate Ken Lewis Wednesday, joining his neighbor U.S. Rep. Mel Watt in backing the Chapel Hill lawyer.

Gantt, who twice lost U.S. Senate bids to Republican Sen. Jesse Helms, plans to announce the endorsement in his Tryon Street architectural office, reports Jim Morrill of The Charlotte Observer.

The endorsement by one of Charlotte's most prominent African Americans will come three days after Charlotte's Black Political Caucus endorsed one of Lewis' rivals, Secretary of State Elaine Marshall.

Lewis also has won the endorsement of U.S. Rep. G.K. Butterfield.

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Sources: Facebook, McClatchy Newspapers, Youtube, Google Maps

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