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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Charlotte Leaders Waste Road Paving Funds In Wealthy Communities

Here's further proof Charlotte's Leaders are ONLY using Taxpayer money & Federal Funding to maintain the city's Wealthier communities versus helping to improve Quality of Life for ALL of Charlotte's residents.

Now City Leaders are repaving roads in some of Charlotte's more affluent neighborhoods when the streets in those areas don't even need it.

In fact residents in those more affluent communities are questioning why precious money is being spent on their roads in a looming Recession when it isn't necessary?

Constituents in those wealthy neighborhoods are suggesting Charlotte City Leaders instead use those funds on streets with potholes, sunken pavement, etc.,

You know areas like Charlotte's forgotten Corridors:

East, Northwest, Southwest and West Charlotte neighborhoods.

In case your wondering if wealthier constituents in Charlotte-Mecklenburg pay higher Taxes thus they "deserve" better services, WRONG!

Please know that affluent residents in this region haven't seen a Property Tax increase in 7 years, while Lower Income & Middle Class residents have recently experienced several.

As Charlotte's Leaders continue to stubbornly mistreat this region's Lower Income & Middle Class citizens, the more God will expose it.

Perhaps this explains why so many of North Carolina's Lower Income/ Middle Class residents are NOT returning their 2010 Census forms.

Why should they cooperate when City & County Leaders are ONLY going to invest money in Wealthier, Pre-Dominantly White neighborhoods anyway?

Gotcha Charlotte City Council!

God doesn't like ugly!

See you at the polls in 2011.

Check out the video & articles below of residents in Charlotte's wealthiest communities basically rejecting having their roads unnecessarily repaved and regarding slow 2010 Census form response from North Carolina's poorly treated Minority citizens.

Wealthy Charlotte Neighbors Question City's Decision To Unnecessarily Repave Roads

"Please do not repave our street!"

Those are words you typically don't hear, especially with local streets filled with potholes after a rough winter.

But that's what some Park Crossing neighbors say when it comes to a repaving project about to start on Park Crossing Drive.

Jason Lindenberg saw the sign at the entrance to the neighborhood, which says repaving is less than two weeks away.

"There's nothing wrong with the road. There's not a single pothole in it," he said.

The Charlotte Department of Transportation says the repaving will cost $80,000 to $90,000.

Lindenberg says the road has a few cracks here and there, but nothing major. He says other roads need repaving more.

"I just think the money could be better spent elsewhere," Lindenberg said.

But the city said looks can be deceiving and just because you can't see something on the surface of the road doesn't mean there's not a problem underneath.

That was resident Jean McDaniel's concern as she walked her dog Tuesday.

"I have seen places that look like they are developing into kind of potholes," she said.

CDOT last repaved Park Crossing in 2001. Since then, CDOT says it has deteriorated to a failing grade, blamed in part by the constant freeze and thaw cycle from winter.

While researching this story we found out the city gets several calls from people saying, "Pave someone else's road, not ours." To that, CDOT says it wouldn't spend the money if the work didn't need to be done.

So, Lindenberg is getting the newly repaved road he doesn't want.

"I'll still like it, still love the neighborhood, but I'll be wondering what else that money could have been spent on," he said.

CDOT says most of the repaving money comes from a gas tax and that money is earmarked only for road projects and repairs.

"I should probably be the first one excited the road is being repaved, nice new blacktop road," Lindenberg said.

North Carolina's Poor Responding Slowly To 2010 Census

North Carolina's Poor, Pr-edominantly Minority neighborhoods lag their more affluent counterparts when it comes to returning 2010 census forms, and with a looming May 1st deadline approaching, the U.S. Census Bureau is making a last-minute push to round up as much paperwork as it can.

Syndicated radio host Tom Joyner on Wednesday visited a Walmart near Raleigh neighborhoods with low return rates as part of his 14-city census tour. A census marketing campaign has been counting down the days to Friday, the cut-off day for mailing the forms. The census will help decide how $400 billion in federal money is spent each year.

People who don't mail their census forms in on time risk not having their forms processed in time and may be visited by census workers, who will begin canvassing neighborhoods May 1. Often it is minority neighborhoods that need the most attention.


In some neighborhoods, workers will have plenty of homes to visit. In the central-city census tract that includes the Hayti Heritage Center, only 42 percent of the forms had been mailed back by Wednesday afternoon. According to Demographics Now, a data-gathering company, two-thirds of residents in the tract are black, and the median household income is just under $20,000 a year, less than half the citywide median.

About seven miles northwest, in a tract that includes most of Cole Mill Road, the response rate of 84 percent was one of the highest in the Triangle. Demographics Now estimates its population to be 70 percent white, with a median income of about $83,000 a year.

The statewide mail participation rate as of Wednesday was 69 percent, two points higher than the national rate.

The census this year is making a special effort to reach out to minority communities, said Tony Jones, a census spokesman based in Charlotte. Recent immigrants can be unfamiliar with the census, and members of minority communities are sometimes distrustful of government.

So the Census Bureau finds "trusted voices," people who it believes can best convey the importance of being counted. They include Joyner, one of the country's best-known black broadcasters.

"He's very influential in the African-American community," Jones said.

Differing Demographics

In neighborhoods near Durham's Fayetteville Road, where boarded-up houses sit next to homes decorated with "no trespassing" signs, census employees have a tough job ahead of them. People often move in and out, said Fred "Pop" Bennett, director of operations for the John Avery Boys and Girls Club.

The people who live in the neighborhood are often young, said Bennett, who has worked two decades at the youth center. More and more Spanish speakers are also moving in.

It's a different story along Cole Mill Road, where older, more modest homes mix with newer, grander subdivisions.

Charles Tingle, who lives in the Whitehall subdivision, filled out his form a couple of days after receiving it. Tingle, who is 65, said his neighborhood includes a mix of ages, although there are very few young children. He figures the neighborhood's mature demographic probably influenced the census response rate.

Tingle, who shares the home with his wife, Deborah, sent back the form because "I realize it's my patriotic duty to do it."

A 2010 Census celebration

In Raleigh, as hundreds gathered to catch a glimpse of Joyner, census workers passed out free ball caps, which the radio host happily signed during breaks.

Frieda J. Artis of Wake Forest brought three of her children to see Joyner and try to get a census form. Although one of her daughters said a form arrived at home, it's now missing.

With the area growing so quickly, it's important for everyone in the community to be counted, Artis said. After learning that forms weren't available at the Joyner event, she took off to get one.

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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, 2010 U.S. Census, WCNC,, Google Maps

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