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Monday, March 15, 2010

Michele Bachmann Accuses Pelosi Of Using Dirty Politics For Health Care Votes

Michele Bachmann: Pelosi Plays Dirty

Rep. Michele Bachmann is accusing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s aides of ignoring sexual harassment charges against former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) in hopes he would vote for health care overhaul legislation.

“The real story about Massa is that it appears Speaker [Nancy] Pelosi’s office may have known about the sexual harassment between him and his employees as of last October but they laid on that story,” she said in a speech in St. Paul, Minn. “I’m not saying this is what is, but this is what it looks like. It looks like they laid on that story until they couldn’t get Massa’s vote then suddenly these charges got out and this guy was forced to resign. This is how dirty it’s getting.”

Pelosi's office responded with one word.

"Absurd," said spokesman Nadeam Elshami.

Bachmann had some more commentary about the state of political affairs in Washington to a rally of supporters in Minnesota. She called President Barack Obama a “one-term president” and said his administration and the Democratic-led Congress has already taken over 30 percent of the economy.

She mistook Rep. Bart Stupak, the Michigan Democrat, as being from Pennsylvania. She further claimed that Pelosi is threatening to file ethics complaints against Stupak because he won’t support health-care overhaul legislation.

“This is Pelosi’s oldest trick in the book,” she said. “If you cross Pelosi, they file ethics charges against you.”

“Liberalism doesn’t look very pretty in practice,” Bachmann said.

Sources: Politico

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