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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pres. Obama's Crackdown On Big Banks Comes Too Late...More Lies!

Today Pres. Barack Obama announced his administration's efforts to place tighter restrictions on "Too Big To Fail" Financial Institutions.

Suddenly (after seeing Political Failure for Dems in the near future) he now decides to listen to Paul Volcker versus crooked Tim Geithner and complacent Larry Summers.


On the eve of Scott Brown's win, I'd say its a bit too late for these restrictions!

The Obama Admin. played around with Big Bankers for an entire year while lying to Consumers and Voters about implementing stronger Financial Consumer Regulation policies but did absolutely nothing.

In other words while standing in front of television cameras Pres. Obama sounded like a tough Chicago guy who wanted to enact "Change", however behind closed doors he schemed with Bankers to keep regular people like myself (Voters) under their feet.

This includes refusing to help Small Businesses create more Jobs.

At this point I no longer believe ANYTHING Pres. Obama says!

I also will NOT be voting him again if he runs in 2012 because he LIED.

Just because I'm Black doesn't mean I'm obligated to vote for a Black candidate.

No Politician is perfect because their Human but I don't like it when slick Lawmakers like Barack Obama attempts to use Chicago Politics or Reverse Psychology just to keep conducting "business as usual" in Washington, DC.

Pres. Obama was elected to help create a different atmosphere and treat ALL people fairly.

Instead he's created an almost totally Partisan, Mean-Spirited Political atmosphere and has reserved the best treatment only for America's Wealthy just as his lop-sided Health Care Bill demonstrates.

How can average people like myself have a Fair chance of rising up if Politicians like Barack Obama keeps stepping on us?

So just because I didn't attend Harvard, Yale or Princeton I'm a worthless citizen?

Who says so?

I'm just as valuable as any Politician in Congress because I'm a Free Citizen with Legal Rights!

Pres. Obama needs to know that just because he possesses a Harvard Law Degree he isn't the most Intelligent person on planet Earth!

In the world of politics Voters are the most people on planet Earth.

Martha Coakley didn't fail the Democrats, Barack Obama did!

As you can sense by the tone of this post I represent some of the same Populist Anger that helped Scott Brown win his U.S. Senate seat.

For the next three years unless I see REAL, BOLD, HONEST, TRANSPARENT LEADERSHIP coming from the Obama White House, I will NOT be voting for him again.

Not Rahm Emanuel's leadership!

Not Valerie Jarrett's leadership!

Not David Axelrod's leadership!

Not Michelle Obama's leadership!

Not Tim Geithner or Larry Summers' leadership!

Only Pres. Barack H. Obama's leadership!


Pres. Obama drop the Arrogance and get over yourself!

You were elected to serve the American people. All Americans NOT just Wealthy Wall Street Bankers.

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Sources: MSNBC, CNN,, Youtube

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