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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sahalis' Subponeas To Be Issued Wednesday

Salahi subpoenas as early as Wednesday

Tareq And Michaele Salahi are still refusing to testify about their gate-crashing exploits -- so House Homeland Security Committee is preparing to issue subpoenas on Wednesday to compel their appearance, according to Chairman Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.).

The committee's ranking member, New York Republican Pete King, is also planning to push for a subpoena of Obama social secretary Desiree Rogers -- despite the opposition of the White House and most Dems on the committee.

"Clearly, hearing from the Secret Service is only half the story," King says, "We need to hear from the White House too."

A call to the Salahi's attorney, Leslie Maria, wasn't immediately returned.

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Sources: Politico, MSNBC, Google Maps

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