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Friday, December 4, 2009

Prostitution Is Not Pres. Obama's Job Strategy...Allen, PA Townhall

"That won't be my Job Strategy".

"Not ... my jobs strategy"
No on legalizing drugs, Prostitution

When President Barack Obama asked for creative, unusual job-creation ideas, he may not have expected Americans to take it like one Allentown, Pa., voter did Friday.

During the president's town hall meeting there Friday, a college student who said he was studying criminology asked the president to comment on the possibility of legalizing prostitution, gambling and drugs to "stimulate the economy."

Obama paused before responding, as the audience laughed.

“I appreciate the boldness of your question. That will not be my jobs strategy," he said, touching off more laughter.

But then, turning serious, the president asked his questioner: "What year are you in school?"

"Part of what you're supposed to do in college is question conventional wisdom," Obama said. "You're doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing.."

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Sources: Politico, Google Maps

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