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Friday, December 4, 2009

Obama Admin Throwing Black Voters Under The Bus?...We Hope Not

Pres. Barack Obama addresses CBC members at the 2009 Phoenix Awards ceremony September 2009. Was his appearance just for show? How does Pres. Barack Obama really feel deep down in his heart about America's Black Community? Does he secretly despise us or love us? That is the $64 Billion Dollar question!

Then Senator Barack Obama received an award from the CBC on September 27, 2008 in Washington, DC.

Is Barack Obama taking black voters for granted ?-Congressional Black Caucus thinks so

It's about time the Congressional Black Caucus made a stand, they remained silent as Pres. Barack Obama's Administration brokered deal after deal. With blue dogs Democrats from every state to get the economy going again and all that blacks have gotten that have been hit hardest by the slumping economy is an unemployment check and talk of some health care benefits. I think its a good move by the Black Caucus.

Leading the charge is Maxine Waters(D-California). Ten CBC members decided to boycott the House Financial Services Committee vote because Waters could not agree with Rahm Emanuel on some key issues. The bill passed easily but Waters reminded the Obama administration in a press statement released after that their are 43 members in the Congressional Black Caucus and they could vote with the GOP to kill a variety of Democratic bills if Obama and his administration don’t take a look at reducing urban unemployment, home foreclosures and bank failures.

It's about time the CBC showed a little back bone. How long could they sit back and watch as moderate democrats all played the same card, case in point Mary Landrieu and her legendary $300 million dollar score for Louisiana. All this while Barack Obama dropped $60 billion in aid to states to apease Republicans. Did President Obama buy health care reform?

I agree with the Congressional Black Caucus whole heartedly, Obama is behaving like the black vote is in his pocket, and that just is not so. Many in the CBC are complaining that Rahm Emanuel is not effective in conveying their concerns to the President. This echoes others concerns in the black community that Obama has become a unflinching facilitator for his Jewish supporters.

President Obama said today it would be wrong for him to narrowly focus on the troubles blacks face in the recession/ Oh! Oh! it might be time to show Obama what time it is, sounds like somebody is hypnotizing him.

All the money the bail out plans dumped on big banks and large corporations. Wall Street and the Dow Jones average rising everyday. That has nothing to do with the average american.

Black males in particular are dealing with nearly double to triple the rate of unemployment as white males at 20%. That's 1 in 5, a jaw dropping figure.

Sources: Examiner, CBC Foundation,, Youtube

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