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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

David Hoyle Announces His Retirement From NC Senate...Bye, Bye

David Hoyle to retire

NC State Sen. David Hoyle, one of the most powerful lawmakers in the Senate, plans to retire.

Hoyle, 70, a Gaston County Democrat who has been in the Senate for 18 years and is consistently placed near the top in effectiveness rankings of legislators, said he will finish his current term, but won't run again.

"Public service has always been a central part of my life and my commitment to our community and our state remains strong," Hoyle said in a news release. "Having had the honor and privilege to serve my community and state in every way that has been asked of me, beginning 45 years ago as mayor of Dallas, it is now the time and the season to welcome the next phase of my life."

Hoyle, who rooms with Senate Leader Marc Basnight in Raleigh during sessions, is one of the leading voices for business interests in the Senate. His district is competitive and his decision not to run again gives Republicans a legitimate shot at claiming the seat.

Hoyle's decision continues what is shaping up to be a changing of the Democratic guard in the Senate chamber. Senate Majority Leader Tony Rand is leaving the chamber this month. Sen. R.C. Soles Jr., the longest serving member, has not yet announced whether he intends to run again, but has been plagued with personal issues that make a run difficult.

Soles, Rand and Hoyle represent three of the longest-serving and most powerful lawmakers in the chamber. Another Democrat, Sen. Julia Boseman of Wilmington, has also announced she won't seek re-election.

Boseman's district is also considered a swing district where Republicans or Democrats could be competitive.

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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Under The Dome, News & Observer, NC General Assembly, Google Maps

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