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Friday, December 4, 2009

Comcast CEO Endorses Pres. Obama's Health Care Bill

Comcast CEO endorses Senate health bill

The chairman of Comcast endorsed the Senate health care bill in a letter Thursday to President Barack Obama, saying, "We cannot allow perfection to stand in the way of critically needed and very good legislation."

"While there has been much controversy and debate over hundreds of provisions and alternatives, it is my view that the current legislation pending in the Senate provides a workable framework for this country to take an important step toward enhancing health care accessibility, promoting operational efficiencies and technological innovation, and reducing the cost of health care and the federal deficit," CEO and Chairman Brian Roberts wrote.

Roberts said he intended to make his statement in person Thursday at the White House jobs summit but could not make it because of his company's $30 billion merger announcement with NBC Universal.

The White House released the letter.

Sources: Politico, Fortune Mag., Comcast

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