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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ben Nelson Slammed By Nebraska's Governor For "Medicaid Compromise" Deal

Nebraska Guv Blasts Nelson

POLITICO's Manu Raju gets in touch with Nebraska's Republican Gov. David Heineman, who pulls a Sanford, telling Manu he doesn't want hundreds of millions in free Medicaid money.

Plus he suggests that 'Husker voters will punish Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson, a former governor, for securing the cash at the cost of implementing the overall reform package.

“The last few days have made Nebraskans so angry that now it’s a matter of principle,”

Gov. David Heineman told POLITICO: “The federal government can keep that money.”

When told about the governor’s comments, Nelson said:

“If he wants to subject Nebraska to future liability — it’s his call.” And he called it “foolish” since the money wouldn’t be available until several years down the road, when other states would almost certainly lobby to get increased federal aid.

Nelson is engaged in a tense war of words with his home-state governor over his health care vote and the Medicaid deal he helped secure for their state, a signal that Nelson’s political opponents plan to bloody him up for his health care stand — and that could impact his standing ahead of his 2012 re-election.

“The reason he’s in hot water right now is that he’s not listening to Nebraskans – it’s very unusual for him,” Heineman said. “I am shocked.”

Asked about the governor’s direct aim at him, Nelson said it’s just “partisan politics.”

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Sources: Politico, Google Maps

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