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Sunday, December 6, 2009

April Ryan vs Robert Gibbs..."Calm Down April"

Check out C-Span's video below of the infamous heated exchange between White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and American Urban Radio Network's White House Correspondent April Ryan.

(American Urban Radio Networks has an audience of more than 20 million listeners (mostly African-American) and April is a well-educated, credentialed Journalist.)

Ryan and Gibbs "bantered" about Desiree Roger's professional performance relative to the Obama Admin's first State Dinner "Party Crasher" incident.

Do you think April was a little over the top on this one or was Gibb's reply unnecessary?

I'd say both of them handled it incorrectly.

With all due respect to April, she behaved as if she were angry while posing her questions to Robert Gibbs.

While I do agree that April's concern for President Obama's safety is most definitely a serious matter, sometimes its not what you say but how you say it.

Let's face it Desiree Rogers and the Obamas are close, Chicago buddies. In addition she's quite wealthy and influential.

Its obvious they will continue to cultivate this loyal relationship with her.

Nothing Ms. Rogers does wrong or right will ever face meaningful scrutiny from the Obama Administration, so case closed on that issue.

Gibbs on the other hand is supposed to be professional enough to NOT have made such a degrading statement.

After all April is a seasoned, Journalist and White House Correspondent who was treated with great respect by Former President George W. Bush.

I've never heard him make that kind of statement to a White Female or White Male reporter regardless of their line of questioning. Hmmm. Something to think about.

Could it be Gibb's statement is a reflection of how the Obama Administration feels about African-Americans in general?

Just because an organization hires African-Americans doesn't mean that organization necessarily cares about the welfare of African-Americans or sees them as valuable, productive Human Beings.


By the way anyone concerned about Pres. Obama ever firing Robert Gibbs can forget it!

Robert is Pres. Obama's link to the South and winning over White Southern Voters.


APRIL RYAN: Was there a concern in this White House that she came out being, some might have called her the ‘belle of the ball,’ overshadowing the first lady at the…

ROBERT GIBBS: I don’t who some are. I’ve never heard that. Again…

RYAN: Well, it’s been bantered around Washington, and it’s been in Democratic circles as well as Republican circles, high-ranking people…

GIBBS: April, I, I, that’s not a station I live in in life.

RYAN: Just answer the question, please.

GIBBS: Are you done speaking so I can?

RYAN: Oh yes, I’m done.

GIBBS: I’ve not heard any of that criticism. I’ve not read any of that criticism. The president, the first lady, and the entire White House staff are grateful for the job that she does. And thinks she has done a terrific and wonderful job pulling off a lot of big and important events here at the White House.

RYAN: Did she invite herself to the state dinner or was she a guest? Did the president invite her or did she put her… No, that’s a real question. Do not fan it off. I’m serious.

GIBBS: I, I, Jonathan-

RYAN: No, no, no. Did she invite herself or did the president ask her? Her name was on that list, and social secretaries are the ones who put the names on the list…

GIBBS: Right. Was she at the dinner? April, April, calm down. Just take a deep breath for one second. Now see? This happens with my son. He does the same thing.

(Here there is an Audible reaction from other reporters as, Ryan mouths, “I’m older than your son.”)

RYAN: Don’t play with me. I’m being serious. Do not blow it off.

GIBBS: I’m not… And I’m giving you a serious answer. Was she at the dinner? Yes. She’s the social secretary.

RYAN: Social secretaries are not guests of the dinner.

GIBBS: She had the primary responsibility for running the dinner. I’m going to get back to weightier topics like 98,000 men and women in Afghanistan.

April Ryan's Professional Profile.

April Ryan, White House Correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks (AURN), is a 23-year journalism veteran who has worked in that capacity since January 1997. During her tenure as White House Correspondent, Ryan has conducted one-on-one interviews with President George W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, President Bill Clinton, Senator Hillary Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Senator John Kerry, Senator Barack Obama and a host of other dignitaries. Ryan has been credited by a White House historian as having the most radio interviews with President Bill Clinton during his White House years.

In February of 2008, Ryan conducted an exclusive interview on Africa with President Bush in the White House Oval Office. Ryan also conducted a one-on-one with South African President Thabo Mbeki. She has traveled to Africa on numerous Presidential missions with President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore and President George W. Bush. Ryan’s exclusive coverage of Presidential visits to Africa and first-hand viewpoints were utilized in a 10-part AURN series that centered on Clinton's historic six nations African tour and was broadcast in June 1998. An exclusive interview with then First Lady Hillary Clinton followed and excerpts from the interview were not only broadcast in the news on AURN's SBN and AUN networks, but was also featured on the CBS evening news, among other national television and radio broadcasts.

Ryan traveled aboard Air Force One and interviewed President and Mrs. Bush while flying to the Gulf Coast for the Hurricane Katrina one year anniversary. In 2006, Ryan traveled with the First Lady to Mississippi where Mrs. Bush met with New Orleans Hurricane Katrina survivors. In September 2005, Ryan flew to Haiti with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and reported on America’s support for democratic elections and while there – due to the volatile political climate – was under the protection of the United Nations Blue Helmet Security forces. .

In addition to her White House coverage, Ryan also hosts “The White House Report,” a daily feature broadcast over hundreds of AURN affiliated stations nationwide. The Baltimore native has also utilized her journalistic prowess beyond the steps of Capitol Hill and has traveled to China and Switzerland for newsworthy events. In September 2005, Ryan’s breaking news coverage with First Lady Laura Bush was also highlighted on NBC’s Today show. Additionally, many of Ryan’s breaking news stories and interviews have also been spotlighted on ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC and FOX as well as in some of the nation’s top newspapers.

Ryan is an esteemed member of the National Press Club and serves on the newsmakers committee. She has also garnered numerous professional accolades to include receiving an American Swiss Foundation Young Leader Award in 2004 and being named one of the Outstanding Young Women in America in 1997.

Ryan began her radio career in Baltimore, MD where she worked for several radio stations including WXYV-FM where she served as news director. She is a graduate of Morgan State University and resides in Maryland with her husband and two daughters.

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Sources: American Urban Radio Networks, C-Span, Left Coast Rebel, Bitten and Bound, Google Maps

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