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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Abortion Amendment Rejected! 54-45...What's Nelson's Next Move?

(Politico) Senate rejects Nelson abortion amendment

The Senate rejected 54 to 45 an amendment to tighten restrictions on federal funding for abortion, casting doubt on the future of the Democratic health reform bill.

The amendment’s sponsor, Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson, threatened to filibuster the legislation if his amendment failed. The question now is whether Nelson continues working with Democratic leadership both on his abortion concerns and as a member of a coalition of liberal and moderate senators trying to bridge their differences on the public option.

"What happened tonight makes it harder to be supportive. We'll see what happens," Nelson said after the vote.

Nelson said he isn't going to work with Reid on a compromise, "I had no Plan B. I'm not looking for a Plan B, but others may be," he said, adding, "I always listen to the leader if the leader had something to say."

In recent days, Nelson had signaled a willingness to continue talks as has Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who needs Nelson’s vote to pass reform through the chamber.

“If the Nelson amendment fails, I'm happy to work with him on this. If he doesn't succeed, I'm happy to work with him on something else,” Reid said before the vote.

Nelson told POLITICO last week that he would not walk away from the negotiations if the Senate rejects his amendment. “No, no, no. I’m a facilitator,” he said. “If this bill is going to pass without me, I still want it to be the best bill.”

The amendment would have prohibited federal funds from paying for abortion. It prohibits the public option from covering abortion and blocks consumers from using subsidies to purchase a health insurance policy that covers abortion.

Update: Democratic Sens. Bayh, Casey, Conrad, Dorgan, Kaufman, Nelson and Pryor voted in favor of the amendment. Republican Sens. Snowe and Collins voted against it. And Democratic Sen. Byrd did not vote.

(Washington Post) Senate rejects Nelson amendment on Abortion

The Senate narrowly rejected an amendment that would have restricted abortion coverage in the pending health-care bill, leaving in question whether Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) has the 60 votes needed to move the bill toward final passage.

The measure, which failed 54-45, addressed the scope of restrictions on coverage of abortion services for people who receive subsidies to buy insurance. The outcome was expected, but could cost the support of Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.), who has threatened to filibuster the $848 billion bill unless abortion restrictions are tightened.

Reid told reporters earlier Tuesday afternoon he would consider other language to allay Nelson's concerns. "If in fact he doesn't succeed here, we'll try something else," Reid said.

The vote came amid intense final negotiations on the bill, as Reid aims to wrap up debate on amendments and begin a long procedural stand-off with Republicans -- possibly extending 10 days -- before the bill can come to a final vote before Christmas.

Nelson also is participating in talks to establish an alternative to the public insurance option, and said he would continue to negotiate with Reid and his colleagues on the overall bill. "People are talking," he said before the abortion vote. "And that's usually a good thing."

Sources: Politico, Washington Post, The Daily Beast

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