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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Just Cast My Vote For John Lassiter...Its Super Tuesday! Vote!

That's right you heard me! This Black, Female Democrat just cast her precious vote for Charlotte Mayoral Candidate Mr. John Lassiter (Republican).

Mr. Lassiter best deserves my support and my ballot.

This is a man who has a crystal clear, proven record in the areas of Integrity, Public Service, Fairness, Family, Business, etc.,

While on the other hand his opponent Anthony Foxx still has some growing to do and his Public Service record remains a mystery.

Considering the huge Jobs loss and current uncertainty of Charlotte's Economy, I don't believe its wise to vote for a candidate who will need on-the-job training as it relates to Gov't matters.

Perhaps in about two to four years Mr. Foxx will be ready but not today.

Even if Mr. Foxx does win (God help us!) while of course I'll still offer my congrats, there will be no regrets or second guessing.

Voting for John Lassiter is the right choice!

Listen people when it comes to the future of our city and our nation always Vote your values, your convictions, your heart.

NOT your race or culture!!

Since John Lassiter's convictions are more in line with my own, he earned my vote.

Its Super Tuesday Charlotte! Get out and Vote!


Lassiter takes small lead

John Lassiter leads Anthony Foxx 50-46 in PPP's final survey of the Charlotte Mayoral race.

If Lassiter does indeed end up as the winner it will be his overwhelming support among white voters that made it possible. He leads 68-29 with them, up from 63-29 a week ago. Those numbers are a good deal more lopsided even than the McCain/Obama numbers in North Carolina. Foxx is up 86-12 with African Americans.

Not a lot more to say on this- the race is still within the margin of error and it's all going to be about who turns out tomorrow.

Susan Burgess, Edwin Peacock, Patrick Cannon, and Tariq Scott Bokhari continue to lead the City Council races with David Howard moving closer.

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Sources: Public Policy Polling, McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, Flickr, Google Maps

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