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Monday, October 12, 2009

Taliban: "We Will Continue Our Jihad"...Richard Engel Reports On The Afghan War

MSNBC's Richard Engel's "Tip of the spear"

(A Taliban Commander tells MSNBC's Richard Engel "We will continue our Jihad.")

(Analysis: Iraq war caused failure in Afghanistan.
NBC's Richard Engel talks to msnbc's Tamron Hall about what went wrong with the U.S. strategy in Afghanistan.)

(Defining the war in Afghanistan. Richard Engel, NBC News' chief foreign correspondent, explains the key geographic and strategic elements defining the Afghan war.)

(Afghanistan: where do we stand? At the eight-year mark of the war in Afghanistan, there are more U.S. troops deployed than ever before, 869 troops have died and an estimated $300 billion has been spent in pursuit of man who continues to elude the might of the American military.)

(Behind the scenes in Afghan. Richard Engel reports.)

(A U.S. Soldier's eyeview of the Afghan war. Richard Engel reports.)

(The body armour that protects U.S. Troops serving in Afghanistan. Richard Engel reports.)

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Sources: MSNBC, Huffington Post, Wikipedia, Google Maps

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