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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sue Myrick's "Muslim Mafia" (CAIR) Book Climbs Amazon's Bestseller List...Fact, Fiction Or Fear Mongering?

(The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, has long been accused of having ties to terrorists. Now the group may be facing its most serious charges yet.

Four Republican lawmakers, led by Rep. Sue Myrick of North Carolina, are calling for a federal investigation into CAIR. At a press conference on Capitol Hill, they cited explosive new documents contained in a new book about CAIR called "Muslim Mafia.")

Myrick: "Muslim Mafia" infiltrating U.S.

U.S. Rep. Sue Myrick, has penned the foreword for a new book, "Muslim Mafia," warning of a Muslim conspiracy to support Islamic terrorism in the United States.

The authors, former Air Force investigator P. David Gaubatz and journalist Paul Sperry, lay out their investigation of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Observer's Mark Johnson reports.

They charge that the group portrays itself as a civil rights advocate for Muslims but in reality has planted spies inside law enforcement agencies, placed staffers on Capitol Hill, arranged for its executives to meet with presidents, conspired with terrorists and placed jihadists in American mosques to preach hate.

Myrick, who has consulted with Sperry before on terrorism issues, writes that the authors provide proof through documents they uncovered and others recently declassified that radical Muslim agents of terror live among us and are "carrying out their subversive plan."

"America is asleep to the danger that confronts us," writes Myrick, a Charlotte Republican, "Since the 1960s there has been a concerted effort on the part of radical Islamists to infiltrate our major institutions. Front groups of terror now operate openly in our country, comprising a network of support for jihadists."

She concludes: "We Americans must wake up before it is too late!"

Click here for the books' link at, where it is climbing the bestseller chart.

White House Says President Hasn't Talked About Intern "Spy" Accusations On Capitol Hill

TPM asked White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs during his briefing today about the Republicans who claim the Council on American Islamic Relations planted Muslim spies on Capitol Hill.

When we asked if President Obama was aware of the Republican charges, which have not moved an inch since they first announced the claims last week, Gibbs demurred.

"I have -- I have not heard the -- the president talked about this, nor have -- have I discussed it," Gibbs said.

Pressed further, Gibbs added: "I have not heard anybody here talking about it."

We've also been after Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) for a comment, since he was the first Muslim elected to Congress (in 2006) and he's faced scrutiny from people questioning his intentions because of his religion. No response yet.

GOP Lawmakers Dawdle While Muslim "Intern Spies" May Be Conspiring Further

Four Republican lawmakers have not submitted a request to the House sergeant at arms to investigate a threat that one of the four described as a terrorist-linked group possibly "running influence operations or planting spies in key national security-related offices."

A spokesperson for the sergeant at arms told TPMmuckraker this morning that the office was aware of the charge by GOP members at a press conference Wednesday that the Council on American-Islamic Relations planted Muslim intern spies on the Hill for purposes of subversion. But, says spokesperson Kerri Hanley, the office hasn't received a request for an investigation, and it wouldn't launch any probe until such a request is made.

"We don't have any information to form any kind of opinion to decide whether an investigation is warranted," Hanley says.

The charges made by Reps. Paul Broun (R-GA), John Shadegg (R-AZ), Sue Myrick (R-NC), and Trent Franks (R-AZ), are based on the new book Muslim Mafia, which is co-authored by a man who has labeled President Obama "Muslim."

They demanded that the sergeant at arms investigate the possibility of a security breach by Muslim intern spies.

As Franks put it at the press conference five days ago:

"We live in a post-9/11 world where the coincidence of nuclear proliferation and Islamic terrorism pose a very dangerous combination and real threat to America's national security. ... . I take the charges levied against CAIR and laid out in this book very seriously because they affect our national security."

Myrick's office told TPMmuckraker Friday it would be submitting requests for investigations in the next few days, but did not explain the delay.

The offices of three of the four Republicans did not immediately respond to requests for comment about the national security risk of waiting to launch an investigation.

Sara Mueller, deputy press secretary for Shadegg, told us: "Unfortunately, the congressman can't comment on that at this time. "

Meanwhile, the (supposed) cabal of Muslim intern spies can continue to ply their trade in still more sinister (but as yet undefined) ways.

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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, Carolina Politics Online,, TPMMuckraker, CBN News, CAIR, Youtube, Google Maps

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