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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Charlotte Observer Wants To "Stick It To The White Man"...Lassiter & Foxx Are Not The Same!

Yes, yes my favorite local newspaper The Charlotte Observer is at it again, spewing Dirty Partisan Politics.

This time CO Editorial staffers attempt to confuse voters by trying to make them believe that Charlotte Mayoral Candidates John Lassiter (Rep) and Anthony Foxx (Dem) are the same as it relates to Ideology, Vision, Public Office Experience, etc.,

I guess their only doing what they are being paid to do.

It also appears as if the Charlotte Observer is trying to turn this Mayor's race into a Racial Revolution, i.e., "Let's Stick it to the White Man" because Charlotte has been run by White Men long enough".

Everyone knows this type of Dirty, Racial Politics is destructive, divisive and wrong.

After all Reverse Discrimination is just as Illegal as Regular Discrimination!

While it is true both Lassiter and Foxx are currently At-Large Charlotte City Council Members, that is where the similarities between these two candidates ends.

John Lassiter has rolled up his sleeves and spent 16 years working in different areas of Charlotte-Mecklenburg's City-County Gov't.

He wasn't just a bump on a log. Lassiter actually worked while serving in Public Office.

Foxx on the other hand served only 4 years on Charlotte's City Council but he didn't really do anything. He WAS the bump on the log!

Just because Mayoral Candidate Anthony Foxx's website has a bunch of "action words" listed to boost his Public Office experience, doesn't mean he actually did anything effective while serving in Public Office.

Nevertheless, the Charlotte Observer has consistently tried to trick regional voters into thinking that Foxx's background and experience is no different than his opponent John Lassiter or Pres. Barack Obama's.

Wrong Again!

Prior to campaigning for the Oval Office, Pres. Obama served as a Noted, Effective Community Organizer in America's 2nd Largest City (Chicago).

More importantly he later also served as both State and U.S. Senators.

Last time I checked there is a huge difference in a State Senator and U.S. Senator versus a City Council Member.

During televised City Council Meetings Foxx hardly ever said a word on important issues. However behind closed doors during Council Business Dinner Meetings he voted for Higher Property Taxes (9%).

Higher Property Taxes for whom? Constituents living in Middle Class and Low Income communities.

Foxx used his vote for Higher Property Taxes as an excuse to help hire more Police (Public Safety) but Charlotte's crime is still too high.

We even made the 2009 Forbes 14 most Dangerous Cities List!

John Lassiter used his political voice to push for Responsible Management of City Funds and opposed Tax Increases.

While Foxx continued to push for more Spending which of course was frequently wasted.

Now Foxx wants to spend Millions of Dollars on a Streetcar in a Recession.

When Charlotte was a Boom Town Foxx NEVER pushed for Economic Development in Charlottte's Middle Class and Low Income communities, however suddenly during a Recession he wants to build a Streetcar.

Anyone with half a brain can see that Foxx's plan is nothing more than a Ploy to buy votes from Charlotte citizens who reside in the city's Middle and Low Income communities.

If Foxx is elected Mayor that Streetcar promise will be totally forgotten.

This is the same trick/ same LIE that Charlotte's other Black Leaders used to persuade Black Voters in 2007 to vote for the Light Rail.

They promised Charlotte's Black residents if they voted for the Light Rail, a Streetcar would be added to their communities in 2013.

Now that "Streetcar named Desire" has been pushed up to 2019.

In other words its NEVER going to be built!

I hope that Charlotte's Black Voters realize before its too late that Anthony Foxx cares NOTHING at all about the Black Community.

How do I know?

Let's just say that a Black Political Candidate doesn't wait until he or she is running for Mayor to begin reaching out to the Black Community.

Recently a tragedy occurred within our city in which a young Black Girl named Tiffany Wright was murdered.

The City of Charlotte and Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Gov't (DSS) are liable for her death because of Extreme Negligence.

Had the City of Charlotte Police Dept, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Court System and DSS done their jobs properly, this young girl who wanted to become an Attorney would be alive today.

Tiffany Wright could have become the next Michelle Obama instead now she lies stuffed in a Cold Grave due to Negligence.

What's even more sad is that Tiffany's Biological Grandmother was not even allowed to attend her funeral, nor visit the gravesite.

Tiffany's grandmother lives in New York and didn't contribute to Tiffany's death, however she's being treated like a Criminal.

Has Anthony Foxx spoken up for Tiffany Wright? No!


His wife works for DSS.

As it relates to helping Charlotte climb out of its Economic Slump, John Lassiter is a Successful Small Business Expert.

Listen folks I don't care if Lassiter is White and a Republican.

This man has hired many Minorities to work for his company.

How many jobs has Anthony Foxx created in the past?

North Carolina needs to STOP Gov't Corruption by ceasing to play the game of Partisan Politics.

The Democrats have been running things in this state for years and as it stands our state is a Financial Mess! (4 Billion Dollar Deficit!)

Yes, I too am a Registered Democrat but I am also tired of the Silly Partisan Politics, Gov't Corruption and Unfair State Laws which are only established to destroy Middle and Low Income citizens, while making the rich more Wealthy.

As I end this conversation I want to make two things clear:

1) John Lassiter and Anthony Foxx are NOT the same!

2) Foxx isn't a bad person but he's not the kind of Leader Charlotte needs right now.

This race shouldn't be about Ethnicity, Political Gimmicks, Partisan Rivalry or "Sticking it to the White Man".

Voters only one candidate is best for Charlotte's future.

May the most experienced, qualified candidate win!

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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, WCNC, WIVB,, Sunshine, Washington Post, MSNBC, Charlotte Biz Journals, Forbes, Google Maps

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