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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Charlotte Observer Encourages Divisive Racial Politics In Mayor's Race ...Its Going To Backfire

(Media folks assume most people know At-Large Charlotte City Council members/ 2009 Mayoral Candidates John Lassiter (Republican) and Anthony Foxx (Democrat). Experts say that's not the case at all.)

How much is race a factor in the Foxx - Lassiter race?

Just before Election Day, the race for Charlotte mayor appears all tied, according to two recent polls.

Republican John Lassiter and Democrat Anthony Foxx are tied at 45-45, according to a poll from Public Policy Polling in Raleigh. A poll from Cornerstone Solutions shows Lassiter with a 42-37 lead, but that is within the margin of error, meaning the poll shows "essentially a dead heat," said Chris Sinclair, a partner with Cornerstone.

The PPP poll broke down largely along racial lines. White voters back Lassiter 63-29 while Foxx leads among black voters 80-9. That suggests that the outcome could hinge on turnout, particularly the racial breakdown of people who go to the polls.

"If excitement about the possibility of the city having its first black Mayor since the '80s results in African Americans turning out at a higher rate than whites Foxx will win. But black turnout has tended to lag in local elections and if that turns out to be the case Lassiter is the likely winner," PPP's Tom Jensen says on his organization's blog.

PPP has done work for Democratic candidates, but was not hired by the Foxx campaign and has had one of the better track records among polling organizations over at least the past year.

Cornerstone, a GOP-leaning firm in Raleigh, has not been hired by either campaign either. Its poll showed Lassiter winning about 25 percent of likely black voters.

Readers' comments:

FULFILLMENT said: Wow. It really is sad how this nation appears to be segregating their votes to only specific individuals of a particular skin color. Shameful really.

FAVOR said: My vote my choice. Like it or not, I vote how I want and for whom I want. Fulfillment, you need to mind your business and stop worrying about others.

FLY-SWATTER said: This type of pedestrian thinking is keeping our society behind on many levels.

KARL said: Keith Larson had a great guest on today. He was a black man who wrote a book called "What White People Want to Know About Black People." In essence his position was that no matter what your race is, if you make a judgement/decision based solely on a person's skin color, you are a racist - plain and simple.

KELLY said: Karl, it's really not that simple. To truly be a racist, there inherently has to be some "power" aspect included. Racism is not merely hating another race. A true racist has to be able to assert some oppressive power over the race because of that hate. And by the way, love for one's own race does not inherently mean that person hates all others.

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Sources: McClatchy Newspapers, Charlotte Observer, WCNC, NC Dem Party, Public Policy Polling, Cornerstone Polls,, Youtube, Google Maps

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