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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pres. Obama Strikes Back At HC Reform Opponents & "Tea Party" Protesters...No More Status Quo, MSNBC----

The President discusses a staggering new report from the Treasury Department indicating that under the status quo, around half of all Americans under 65 will lose their health coverage at some point over the next ten years. He pledges not to allow this future to unfold: "In the United States of America, no one should have to worry that they'll go without health care – not for one year, not for one month, not for one day. And once I sign my Health Care Reform plan into law – they won't."

(Pres. Obama tells a large crowd in Minneapolis, MN "the time for bickering is over".)

("No more Status Quo!")

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Sources:, MSNBC, Health Care, Youtube, Google Maps

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