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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pres. Obama Encourages American Auto Workers..."We've Got Your Back"


Pres. Obama to Autoworkers: Policies are working

(Speaking at a GM plant in Lordstown, Ohio, President Barack Obama says he will stand firm with autoworkers.)

WARREN, Ohio - President Barack Obama, claiming credit for an uptick on his watch, told autoworkers Tuesday that the economy is on its way back from the brink because of his policies.

Pledging to stand firm with autoworkers in northeast Ohio, Pres. Obama told factory workers in this town outside Youngstown that his administration had no choice but to intervene and prevent the collapse of automakers. He told General Motors employees that their company has retooled itself and is heading back to a solid business, in part, because of its work force.

“Your survival and the success of our economy depended on making sure that we got the U.S. auto industry back on its feet,” Pres. Obama said, standing near a production line where compact Chevrolet Cobalts are produced.

He said those small cars were among the most popular under his temporary Cash for Clunkers program that offered drivers up to $4,500 to buy more fuel-efficient automobiles. General Motors has increased production of the compact auto and rehired laid-off workers to restore a second shift here.

“Because of the steps we have taken, this plant is about to shift into high gear,” Pres. Obama said. “A hundred and 50 of your co-workers came back to work yesterday. More than a thousand will be coming back to work in less than three weeks as the production of the Cobalt ramps up.”

But in the former steel valley, Pres. Obama acknowledged that recovery would not be simple or swift.

“Over the years, we’ve seen factories close. You’ve seen friends, neighbors and relatives laid off.,” Pres. Obama said. “Your daughters and sons have had to move away in search of jobs and opportunity. I know it was painful around here earlier this year when three shifts at this plant were cut down to one.”

But he said the nation cannot allow towns like this one — a major employer in a region that has seen steel furnaces go cold as globalization moved jobs abroad — to crack under the economic pressure.

“There are some who see this pain and suggest that somehow it’s inevitable, that the only way for America to get ahead is for communities like yours to be left behind,” Pres. Obama said. “But I know better. We know better. We know that our success as a nation depends on the success of communities just like this one.”

He also played to a populist theme, key to this hard-hit part of America.

“As long as you’ve still got an ounce of fight left in you, I’ll got a ton of fight left in me,” Pres. Obama said. “I’ve said it before: I’m skinny, but I’m tough.”

The president planned to spend his Tuesday before friendly groups of autoworkers and union members, trying to assure blue-collar audiences that the economy is coming back — and that his administration deserves credit for saving some of their jobs.

Later, the president addresses the AFL-CIO convention in Pittsburgh, where he will urge the nation’s largest labor federation to support his health care overhaul. Pres. Obama planned to tell AFL-CIO members how his health care proposals would help repair an economy that is inching toward double-digit unemployment.

The events are designed to be heavy on working-class appeal in hopes of boosting the White House’s credentials with the middle-class voters so crucial to the president’s economic agenda.

Pres. Obama wraps up his daylong trip at a fundraiser for Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter in Philadelphia. He is expected to tell donors that Specter, who earlier this year switched from the GOP to the Democratic Party, is crucial for pushing the White House agenda through.

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Sources: MSNBC, Google Maps

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