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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

NC Gov Bev Perdue Prepares To Sign State Consumer Protection Law...Foreclosure Prevention

News & Observer----

Gov Bev Perdue ready to sign Consumer Protection Law

RALEIGH -- North Carolina consumers soon will have new protections from foreclosures and intimidating debt collection practices.

Gov. Beverly Perdue planned Wednesday to sign into law a bill approved by the Legislature last month and backed by Attorney General Roy Cooper.

The Consumer Economic Protection Act allows a clerk of court to continue a foreclosure hearing for up to 60 days. The delay would give a homeowner more time to work out a payment plan with the mortgage holder or service so the debtor can remain in the home.

The bill also sets out new rules for companies that attempt to collect from consumers on old unpaid debts from credit cards or other unpaid bills. Cooper has said some debt buyers have gone too far in browbeating people to collect money.

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Sources: News & Observer, Charlotte Observer, Google Maps

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