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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Key Dems Livid Over Baucus' Version Of HC Reform Bill...Public Option Intentionally Excluded

ABC News----

Sen. Jay Rockefeller Dumps on Baucus' Bill and No Snowe Yet

(Is the fate of the Health Care Reform bill in trouble?)

(Physicians nationwide appear to agree that a Public Option should be included in Pres. Obama's HC Reform bill.)

Following up on his "This Week" appearance where he promised to fight on for the public option, Sen. Jay Rockefeller blasted the draft bill produced by Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus: “there is no way in its present form that I vote for it unless it changes in the amendment process by vast amounts.”

He’s not alone. Fellow Finance Committee member Ron Wyden is livid too. Expect a rocky mark-up next week. As one top Democrat told me, the fundamental problem is that Democrats “are being asked to support a bipartisan bill that doesn’t have bipartisan support.” The compromise without the cover.

Meanwhile, Republican Olympia Snowe's office just told me that the Senator is not ready to sign on to the Baucus draft. He will introduce it tomorrow without her support. But Snowe intends to keep negotiating and working with Baucus through the mark-up next week.

Majority Leader Harry Reid has scheduled a special caucus on Thursday for Democrats to discuss the Baucus bill. Should be lively.

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Sources: MSNBC, ABC News, Huffington Post, Google Maps

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