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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Joe Wilson Tearfully Regrets His Foolish "You Lie!" Antics...Good Dose Of Partisan Politics Bitter After Taste

(Choking back tears, Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., says his "You Lie" comment has made him the "number one" target of Liberals.)

(Following his foolishly famous "You Lie!" insult, Rep. Joe Wilson has come under fire.)

(Congressman Joe Wilson (SC) apologizes for foolishly heckling Pres. Obama. "Jackass")

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) now cries the blues, regretting his foolish outburst ("You Lie!") during Congress' Joint Session while the President of our United States delivered a very important speech on Health Care Insurance Reform.

Hopefully after Congress formally rebuked him, he's learned a powerful lesson from this stupid display of Partisan Politics.

Folks you may not personally like Barack Hussein Obama however since he is our nation's Legally Elected President (44th), you WILL most certainly respect him.

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Sources: MSNBC, Politico,, Google Maps

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