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Friday, September 18, 2009

ACORN'S Bertha Lewis On C-Span...She Needs To Be Fired

(ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis on C-Span.)

Stupid! (ACORN Prostitution Investigation)

(The community group ACORN, breaking into a foreclosed home to move the previous owners back in. This story was reported by WJZ TV in Baltimore.)

Now don't shoot the messenger but somehow I really feel bad for Ms. Lewis.

Although its obvious something went wrong on her end, being the kind-hearted individual that I am makes me just want to shake her and ask "WHY DIDN'T YOU FIX THIS MESS BEFORE NOW?"

Come on folks if you know your a target wouldn't it be wise to get out of the way or protect yourself?

Perhaps a few ACORN employees were disgruntled due to not being paid enough money or for being treated so poorly they intentionally cooperated with people like Mr. O'Keefe to help bring ACORN down.

Breaking locks off the doors of Foreclosured homes, providing a "Pimp" with IRS Business Tax information?

Not a good use of Taxpayer dollars if you ask me.

Its kind of hard to blame this display of stupidity within your ranks on a "GOP Smear Campaign" when your allowing such rogue behavior to be practiced.

Ms. Lewis' inaction or her refusal to clean up the blatant Corruption within ACORN prior to this probe, was a sign of Arrogance, Complacency, Denial or all three.

Nevertheless, the downfall of what may have been a very effective organization is the result.

The ACORN Board of Directors really should consider terminating Ms. Lewis.

If ACORN survives this mess, a new image starting with the hiring of a new CEO will definitely be necessary.

She also needs to stop speaking to the Media. Each time she goes on TV in that dashiki dress, it makes her appear more and more foolish.

Ms. Lewis if your going to be on TV pleading ACORN's case before the general public, can't you at least put on a suit?

This isn't the sixties. Perception is reality.

That Black Panther type stuff makes some people uncomfortable, even Black people.

Put on a suit, a nice dress or stay off TV.

Last but not least please forget about suing FOX News. Your employees were caught red-handed on tape committing crimes for goodness sake!

Just let it go and clean up what's left of ACORN.

ACORN must prove it's squeaky clean

A pretend prostitute and her pretend pimp have rattled ACORN, an anti-poverty group that has grown to become a political target of the GOP. Now it stands to lose federal funding.

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN, has a lot of explaining to do.

It blames Fox News shows for hammering the organization over questionable voter-registration practices this decade. And now a couple of 20-somethings, including Florida International University student Hannah Giles, set up a ``sting'' shown on YouTube where ACORN workers in several cities -- from Baltimore to San Bernardino, Calif. -- offered tax advice to run a ``prostitution'' business.

ACORN has been sloppy, and its poor management has hurt the very people it set out to help: the disenfranchised. Its management now promises mandatory employee training. That's too little, too late.

To its credit, Miami's ACORN office turned in 11 former voter-registration canvassers who are accused of faking names on nearly 200 voter forms. Florida Secretary of State Kurt Browning says there is no evidence of any ``widespread attempts'' at voter fraud.

Having organizations that receive Federal funds -- even if it's a small part of ACORN's budget -- also conduct voter registration with paid canvassers is problematic. The good work ACORN has undertaken to help people find affordable housing, earn a decent minimum wage in Florida and fight predatory lending in Miami-Dade has been shattered.

The US Census Bureau already has said "no thanks" to ACORN helping with the 2010 population count, the Senate has voted to bar housing and community grants for the group and others are calling for a Justice Department investigation.

Any group receiving Federal money must show it's squeaky clean.

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Sources: ACORN,, C-Span, Miami Herald, MSNBC, NY Daily News, WJZ_TV, Politico, Youtube, Google Maps

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