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Thursday, August 6, 2009

2009 Charlotte Mayoral Race: Lassiter's Possible Win Won't "Border On The Ridiculous"

Since early July when Mayoral candidates John Lassiter (R) and Anthony Foxx (D) made it official by filing for Charlotte's top seat, momentum from both campaigns has been on the rise.

Foxx blasted Lassiter by taking a shot at him on Charlotte's lack of Affordable Housing, even though he didn't seem to realize the Homeless population existed until he decided to run for Mayor.

Foxx also bragged about having raised $250,000 even though he only has $67,000 left and a long way to go, while Lassiter trumped him by announcing he has raised $310,000. thus far with at least $200,000. left in his campaign account.

Although many people may disagree with me, I can pretty much predict how this contest is probably going to end. Republican Candidate and Grassroots Public Servant John Lassiter will win by a mile.

How can I be so sure? Here are a few reasons why:

1) Anthony Foxx is probably a nice guy but he has NO experience in running a large company successfully.

It seems he likes to spend everyone else's money. Not a good sign in a Recession.

Foxx paid big bucks to hire Well-known, out of state Consultants. I'm sure the advice they provided him was valuable, however couldn't he have acquired the same advice from some local folk?

Charlotteans are tired of Arrogant, "spend and waste" Politicians, who don't seem to give a second thought about wasting Taxpayer's money on Political experiments.

No Consultant regardless of how influential he or she may be, can wipe away 4 years of doing basically nothing for your Constituents.

Who is the more Fiscally Responsible candidate?

Lassiter still having at least $207,000 of the $310,000 he's raised, versus Foxx's $67,000 from the $250,000 he raised is telling....or not. Only time and the November Election results will really prove this theory.

2) Anthony Foxx has not proven to the citizens of Charlotte that he is a Grassroots leader or that he cares about ALL citizens, especially those in the lower middle income or low income tax brackets.

As I mentioned above, he didn't know the Homeless Population existed until he decided to run for Mayor. Instead he was too busy trying to impress the Uptown crowd of which now no longer really exist.

As a Successful businessman who believes in providing good customer service, John Lassiter looked ahead.

He knew the Banking Industry problem would eventually adversely affect Charlotte's economy.

While Lassiter didn't forget about the Uptown crowd, he also didn't forget about the little people. The little people whose votes he would soon need.

For example I've spoken to many "regular" people who told me that Charlotte City Councilman John Lassiter responded to their e-mails or tried to help them with problems. (In the past. not just now when he's seeking the Mayor's seat around the dais.)

Can the same be said about his "worthy opponent"? Maybe yes, maybe no.

As a Politician, investing in people, ALL of the people not just Wealthy and Influential citizens, often speaks loudly of one's Character.

Thanks for caring about us Councilman Lassiter. It was a wise choice paying off with big dividends.

3) Some people (Politicians included) appear to think that one's Education or Socio-Economic status makes them entitled to everything. Even if that something has the strong, rotten smell of Impropriety.

Just because a person has reached a certain level of personal achievement, doesn't give that individual the right to do as he or she pleases. Especially if that individual wants a long career in Public Office.

For example: Several months ago there was a big controversy in the Media about how Foxx's wife may have gotten her $100,000+ Salary job with the Meck. County Dept. of DSS.

Apparently the vacancy was advertised for just one day and then Foxx's wife was hired.

Later on DSS Director Mary Wilson admitted Foxx's wife was a friend of hers and that she would have hired her anyway.

I believe we can all agree that Nepotism is not a crime right?

However the Charlotte Observer and WCNC also reported that Wilson's husband had donated $4,000. to Anthony Foxx's campaign after Foxx's wife was hired for the DSS position.

Hmmmmm, now this bit of info. complicates matters.

How so?

If a person in Management wants to hire a friend whose husband is a Politician and the friend doing the hiring allows HER husband to donate money to THAT Politician's campaign fund before or after the friend in Management hires the Politician's wife.... is it safe to say that kind of activity than could give the appearance of blatant Cronyism and Impropriety?

I think its safe to say even if it wasn't Cronyism or Impropriety, it most certainly looked like it!

Still don't get it? Please allow me to elaborate further on this issue.

No one doubted Foxx's wife's credentials or qualifications for the job she was offered by Mary Wilson. That wasn't the problem.

The problem was that in a looming Recession, while Meck. County was in the middle of a Hiring Freeze, Foxx's wife was basically handed a job on a silver platter making $100,000+ a year, after it was only posted for ONE DAY.

Thousands of other people residing within the City of Charlotte and Charlotte-Mecklenburg county, many of them possessing better credentials than Foxx's wife are experiencing great difficulty in landing a job.

Yet....she does with ease, after it was posted for only ONE DAY.

To top it all off after this information was revealed to the public by the Charlotte Observer and WCNC, then both Councilman Anthony Foxx and his wife blasted the media with letters brandishing her resume. ("Accusations Border On The Ridiculous")

The result?

Voters were turned completely off. Why?

Charlotteans don't care about big words and smoke screens. We just want the truth and we want fairness.

When addressing such a sensitive issue Anthony Foxx and his wife should have used Humility and Empathy. Instead their actions screamed to the public ENTITLEMENT!

ENTITLEMENT doesn't cut the mustard in a looming Recession where thousands of people (Voters) with similar or better credentials than Foxx's wife can't get a job, even a much lower paying job.

Here's the kind of Damage Control Anthony Foxx should have used to quell the outcry about his wife's "situation". (I'm surprised Foxx's well-paid Consultants didn't suggest this.)

Current First Lady Michelle Obama is a extremely well-educated and attractive woman (just like Anthony Foxx's wife).

Michelle used to have a job as an Chicago Hospital Administrator. Her salary was more than $300,000 a year.

Was Michelle qualified to have that job? Of course! (her resume is outstanding)

When than U.S. Senator Barack Obama decided to run for President, Mrs. Obama chose to resign from that position.

There was no scandal or controversy preceding her decision.

In addition Michelle Obama didn't balk or write letters to the Chicago Tribune explaining how she was ENTITLED to work in that position.

She most likely stepped aside to care for daughters Malia & Sasha, while Pres. Obama was on the campaign trail.

Michelle made a great sacrifice which allowed her husband now the first African-American president of our nation, to have center stage.

Where is Michelle Obama now? Sitting pretty as the First Lady of our Country.

Nice trade don't you think?

Perhaps that is what Samara Foxx should have done.

Even though she was in fact qualified for the position, the way she was hired did smell kind of "fishy".

Furthermore, now (by association) Samara's name has been tainted by the recent DSS Scandals and Corruption (DSS officials embezzling public funds and wasting money intended for Foster Care children).

Thus to help Anthony regain Constituents' trust, she should have simply swallowed her pride, apologized for the appearance of Impropriety and made a graceful exit.

In return she would probably have become Charlotte's second African-American First Lady in History.

What's the lesson to be learned from this mistake? ENTITLEMENT doesn't always equal better rewards.

DSS Director Mary Wilson claims to have interviewed other applicants for the position Samara was hired to fill.

If anyone else not currently employed by DSS can come forth and truthfully state they were interviewed for the same position Samara was hired to fill, I'll let this mystery rest....forever.

4) John Lassiter practiced Grassroots Politics long before filing to become Charlotte's next Mayor.

His parents and serving 16 years in Public Office (Charlotte-Meck. School Board, City Council, etc.,) taught him that ALL people regardless of their ethnicity, religion, creed, gender and socio-economic backgrounds are worthwhile.

Like President Obama, Lassiter also learned early in his Political career how to reach out across party lines, hold hands with those less fortunate and still cater to more influential constituents all for the greater common good of improving the Charlotte community.

While I do personally believe that Councilman Anthony Foxx is a nice guy who will make a good mayor in about four years, today he isn't ready.

He needs to slow it down and learn to care more about the needs and feelings of his Constituents.

President Obama once lived and worked in some of Chicago's poorest neighborhoods, tutoring inner city children and helping low income citizens with Legal issues.

Is Foxx currently capable of demonstrating such altruistic, grassroots behavior?

After searching deep within his heart if Foxx is truly an honest man, he knows the answer to that question is....not yet.

Mayoral race heats up as Foxx blasts Lassiter

(Democrat questions his Republican opponent's support for affordable housing initiatives.)

Democrat Anthony Foxx fired the first shots in Charlotte's mayoral campaign Thursday, questioning Republican John Lassiter's position on affordable housing.

In an e-mail sent to up to 10,000 supporters, Foxx ridiculed Lassiter's professed support for housing initiatives in an online video the Republican sent to his own supporters.

“Last week, a friend sent me an e-mailed video in which a colleague and fellow mayoral candidate made claims about a so-called plan for affordable housing,” Foxx told supporters. “I almost fell out of my chair because it belies the voting record.”

The attack marks the first heated comments of a months-long campaign that so far has been low-key. Lassiter called it “desperate.”

“When you're behind in the polls, fundraising and ideas, sometimes you become desperate and resort to negative campaigning,” he said.

One claim Foxx questioned was Lassiter's statement that “we need stable housing for the chronically homeless.”

Foxx cited a 2007 vote on using a quarter-acre of city property in Biddlesville for affordable housing, a proposal Foxx supported. According to the council minutes, Lassiter argued that the city would be better served by putting the site on tax rolls with a private home.

By a vote of 7-2, Lassiter's position prevailed. Foxx was one of the two votes. Four Democrats were among those voting with Lassiter.

Another claim Foxx questioned was Lassiter's statement that “every landlord accepting public money (should) maintain their property.”

Foxx pointed to a 2006 vote in which Lassiter voted against a so-called rental registration program. The program, which Foxx supported, would have boosted city inspections of rental properties.

Council critics questioned the program's cost – more than $4 million.

The measure lost 8-3, with Lassiter in a majority with four Democrats including Mayor Pro Tem Susan Burgess.

Lassiter holds cash advantage

(Republican heads toward Charlotte's mayoral election having raised more and spent less than Democrat Foxx.)

Despite raising more money than any Democratic mayoral candidate in Charlotte history, Democrat Anthony Foxx trails Republican John Lassiter in cash heading into their expected November matchup.

Lassiter has raised $310,000 to Foxx's $250,000, according to reports filed Thursday with the board of elections.

However, because Foxx has spent nearly double that of his rival, he has $67,000 on hand compared to Lassiter's nearly $207,000.

Lassiter, who's running in a Sept. 15 primary against fellow Republicans Martin Davis and Jack Stratton, is widely expected to face Foxx in November.

The money reflects the stakes in their race to succeed seven-term incumbent Mayor Pat McCrory.

“It is the first open seat in 14 years,” said county elections director Michael Dickerson. “You've got two popular sitting councilmen at-large running. So they both should have a pretty good following.”

The reports showed both candidates had widespread support, including from Charlotte's business community. Some donors gave to both. Businessman Stoney Sellars, for example, gave Foxx $4,000 and Lassiter $1,000.

“We are especially pleased that we've had this strong financial support from our friends and neighbors in Charlotte that believe in our message of experienced leadership,” Lassiter said.

Foxx, who loaned his campaign $20,000, downplayed Lassiter's 3-1 financial edge heading into the fall.

“He's got two campaigns to run, I've got one, and we've been deploying resources on the ground that I don't think anyone else has been doing,” Foxx said. “So we're … where we wanted to be.”

Lassiter's biggest expenses were for fundraising and marketing. He spent $33,500 with a Charlotte fundraising firm and $28,500 with a local marketing firm.

Foxx spent $12,000 with AKP Message & Media, a Chicago-based firm started by David Axelrod, now a White House adviser.

He also spent $26,500 on an Alabama polling firm that worked for President Obama and N.C. Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan in 2008.

Foxx, trying to become his party's first mayor since Harvey Gantt in 1987, said the money has helped finance a grassroots organization.

“For the last 22 years, people who've run under the Democratic Party for mayor have lost,” he said, “and part of the reason is some of the mechanics of building a campaign tended to happen late in the season.

“And what we've done essentially is to give ourselves more time to put a camp operation together that will be very strong. The things we've been doing all along will bear fruit as we go forward.”

Lassiter said that, while he's not taking the primary for granted, he's looking ahead to the general election.

“We will be reaching out to Republicans and independents who plan to vote in September,” he said, “but we will not lose our attention to preparing an effective and broad-based campaign for victory in November.”

Foxx’s Wife’s Hiring Due to Patronage?

It sounds like there is a little of “you scratch my back, I scratch yours” down on Billingsly Rd. Controversy is brewing over the hiring of Samara Foxx, the wife of Charlotte City Councilman and mayoral candidate Anthony Foxx (D), to a position with the Mecklenburg County Department of Social Services which pays a salary of $100,000. Her hiring alone isn’t enough reason to suspect any unethical play here. What raises my eyebrow is the fact that the department was on a hiring freeze and she got the job after it being posted for just one day.

Nothing to see here folks (wink, wink). Move along. Move along…….

DSS hires politically-connected during "Hiring Freeze"

CHARLOTTE, N.C. -- While Mecklenburg County is cutting some jobs, the county's Department of Social Services has been hiring.

The NewsChannel 36 I-Team discovered DSS has hired 30-40 positions, many of them managers and several filled with candidates who have political connections.

The DSS hiring freeze was in effect when Mary E. Wilson joined the department as director last July. But in the name of reorganizing the department, DSS has hired dozens of new employees, including the daughter of Charlotte's police chief, the daughter of a Superior Court judge and the wife of a city councilman who is running for mayor.

DSS hired Samara Foxx, the wife of at-large councilman and mayoral candidate Anthony Foxx, last July.

Her salary as Division Director II was $100,000 a year.

Foxx's hiring raised questions among some DSS staffers since the position was posted on July 17 and taken down the very next day.

For months, the I-Team has asked DSS in writing for public records showing when the job was posted. At first a department spokeswoman told us that legal counsel had advised her the records were confidential personnel records. After our repeated requests for only the public portion of the records, DSS sent us a two-page letter detailing the job posting.

The letter says in part, "The creation of Ms. Foxx's position was an initial step in the re-organization of DSS, which was approved by the county's executive team."

County Commission Chair Jennifer Roberts told us by phone from Washington, "I did not realize that opening was posted for such a short period of time. It's concerning. We pride ourselves on being open, transparent, equal and fair. I can't imagine why the posting period would not be available to reporters."

After DSS Director Mary E. Wilson gave Samara Foxx the job, Wilson's husband Cornell donated $4,000 -- the legal maximum -- to Anthony Foxx's mayoral campaign.

Foxx Campaign Manager Bruce Clark said Wilson and Foxx had worked together in the past but declined comment on the hiring, saying it was a county decision.

Foxx is not the only person with political connections to be hired by DSS since the "hiring freeze" went into effect.

Public records show DSS hired Hollye Monroe, the daughter of CMPD Police Chief Rodney Monroe, on Jan. 14 as a Management Analyst. Her salary: $46,613.60 per year. Our phone messages to Monroe's public information officer and chief of staff were not returned.

DSS also hired Tracey Evans, the daughter of Superior Court Judge Yvonne Mims-Evans, on Feb. 11 as a Social Services Manager at a salary of $57,380.95 per year. Judge Mims-Evans told us in a brief telephone interview that she had nothing to do with the hire.

County Manager Harry Jones e-mailed us a two-line response saying, "These individuals were hired within our policies and without regard to who their parents or spouses are."

Neither Jones nor DSS Director Mary E. Wilson responded to our requests for an on-camera interview.

But County Commissioner Bill James says the hiring smacks of political patronage and in his words "just smells bad." Commissioner James says the hiring should be investigated.

Charlotte City Councilman and Mayoral Candidate Anthony Foxx's Statement to the local media about his wife Samara's qualifications for her DSS job. (Note: No one ever questioned her qualifications, just the way she obtained her job in a looming Recession.)

The insinuations regarding my wife Samara’s employment with Mecklenburg County’s
Department of Social Services in yesterday’s report on WCNC-TV and today’s related
article in the Observer are irresponsible and deeply hurtful.

A close reading of those overheated reports reveals that, despite all the smoke and mirrors, there is no evidence of wrongdoing by my wife or me.

The facts in this story are simple and straightforward, Samara’s qualifications for the job are beyond question. She is a cum laude graduate of UCLA with a degree in Political Science as well as a law degree from the University of Michigan Law School.

Samara worked as staff counsel to the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee for five years prior to our getting married and relocating to Charlotte in 2001.

That same year, Samara accepted a contract attorney position at KOSA, an industrial products company. Mary Wilson, the company’s General Counsel, served as her supervisor.

Their working relationship began, independently of me, and four years before I ran for public office. In 2004, Samara left her job at KOSA to help raise our children.

Samara did not rest during that time. While raising our two children, Samara joined the Board of Directors of Florence Crittenton Services, an agency that provides prenatal care and other services for pregnant teens and woman, many of whom are victims of domestic violence and incest.

She saw firsthand the positive impact of direct service programs for those who desperately needed help. Samara was eventually selected to chair the Board of Directors.

In July 2008, Samara applied for a position within the Mecklenburg County Department
of Social Services and was hired by Mary Wilson, her former supervisor in the private
sector. Other than applying for the job, Samara had no role in the hiring process.

In taking the position, she had to give up her Florence Crittenton Board affiliation. But Samara did so with the belief that she would impact many more people who need help at the Department of Social Services.

I am proud of Samara, her accomplishments and, most importantly, her commitment to
integrity. As I work to change Charlotte for the better, there will be voices opposed.

However, make no mistake: I will not allow gratuitous assaults on my wife -- a highly
qualified and talented professional -- to go unanswered. The people of Mecklenburg are fortunate to have her. I expect any serious investigation of the facts to confirm this truth.

Anthony Foxx

Samara Foxx's statement to the local media about how "riduculous" the accusations were over the way she was hired. (Therein again no one doubted her qualifications, just her connections which may have allowed her special privileges.)

To: Charlotte Media
From: Samara Foxx
Re: Recent accusations made by WCNC I-Reporter

The accusations made and alluded to in yesterdays report by WCNC I-Reporter Stuart
Watson regarding myself and my husband "Border on Slander and the Ridiculous".

Within all of the loose language contained in the report, there are no allegations of
wrongdoing on the part of my husband or myself. However, the story was presented to
smear us both. It is unfortunate that these false attacks would be given attention by a news outlet that is supposed to report the news without bias.

The facts are simple and straightforward: I graduated cum laude from UCLA with a
degree in political science as well as a law degree from the University of Michigan Law School.

I am a lifelong member of the Episcopal Church. I worked as staff counsel to the
U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee for five years prior to getting
married and relocating to Charlotte with Anthony in 2001.

In 2001, I accepted a contract attorney position at KOSA, global polyester
manufacturing company. Mary Wilson, the company!s General Counsel, hired me.

Our working relationship began fours years before Anthony ran for public office in 2005.

In 2004, KOSA moved most legal positions to Wichita, Kansas. I remained in Charlotte
and spent a few years raising our small children.

During that time, I joined the Board of Directors of Florence-Crittenton Services, an
agency that provides services for pregnant teens and woman, many of whom are
victims of domestic violence and incest. I saw firsthand the impact of direct service
programs. I was eventually selected to Chair the Board of Directors.

In July 2008, I applied for a position within the Mecklenburg County Department of
Social Services and was hired by Mary Wilson, my former supervisor. In this capacity, I am responsible for contracts issues, legislative affairs issues, compliance issues and helping to improve the delivery of social services to DSS clients.

Given this fuller picture, my qualifications for this position are clear. I have worked my entire life to uphold the highest standards of integrity, and I expect, even as my husband begins his campaign to lead our city, that the facts, not innuendo, will prevail.

- Samara Foxx

I'll say it again folks...DSS Director Mary Wilson claims to have interviewed other applicants for the position Samara was hired to fill.

If anyone else not currently employed by DSS, can trutfully come forth and publicly state to the local media that they were in fact interviewed (before Samara was offered the job) for the same position Samara was hired to fill, I'll let this mystery rest....forever.

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Sources: Charlotte Observer, WCNC, Carolina Politics Online,, Google Maps

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