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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

NC House Rep. Nick Mackey Failed To File Taxes For 3 Years....More NC Dems Corruption

Charlotte Observer----

The N.C. State Bar has accused NC State Rep. Nick Mackey (D) of “Criminal Acts” for failing to file State and Federal income tax returns.

The charges are part of a wide-ranging complaint that could lead to the Democrat's suspension or even disbarment.

The 7-page complaint, filed Tuesday, claims Mackey:

-- Failed to pay taxes from 2003-2006.

-- Failed to let law examiners know about earlier unpaid taxes when he filed to take the state bar exam in 2002.

-- Did not tell examiners that, as a Charlotte police officer, he had been investigated for “fabrication” of hourly duty reports.

-- Violated professional conduct rules in a case involving a client who had hired him to help with an adoption.

Mackey has 20 days to file an answer to the complaint, which could end up before the bar's Disciplinary Hearing Commission.

Said Mackey: “I'm not going to comment on it since it's pending.”

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Sources: Charlotte Observer, WSOC-TV, Google Maps

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